Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Salute to " Women of Color"

Only the actions of the just; Smell sweet and blossom in the dust;
None knew her but to love her; None named her; but to praise...
O' Woman! Great is thy faith; be it resolve unto thee; thou maturate into full bloom
With grace, style, and pristine persona and countenance... you are adorn and adored...
Within the statue of beauty, strength and empowerment to nurture us all
Even the others, quietly; enjoy the  unsung attributes you bring...
You are a diamond in the rough...coming from the very best;
You are the cream of the crop-that rises to the top;
And as the song is sung; your are the plant, of freedom, upward sprung...

Steve Braxton
Manuscript: (In-formation) "The Anthology of poetry"

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