Sunday, February 21, 2021

 Letter “C” of the alphabets-Insights and Intel

How Many ways is the letter “C” pronounced? Wait before you begin to test your psyche, as you continued to read the insights and Intel narrative


Firstly, the ‘C’ pronunciations have a variety of categories, such as:

·        The Soft “C” and the Hard “C”

·        And also how it is treated when it appears at the end of a word


Example of Soft and Hard “C”

Soft: cease-cider-cedar & cyber

Hard: capital-contain-customer-classy & crystal


Note: Test your vocabulary- what other words can you think of?


When it appears at the end of a word the pronunciation sounds like a ’K’

Example; ‘Arc’ or ‘Scientific ‘


Then there is the “CH’ sound of the ‘C’-What is the ‘CH’ sound you ask?

Well, words such as Cheese, Chew, Teach, Change, Church, Spinach…etc.


How many more words can you think of with the “CH” sound?


Now, let’s take a look at the middle of some words with the letter ‘C’-they tend to have the sound of the ‘K’

i.e., Echo, Chrome, Chemistry {words of Greek origin}


Also the French origin tend to be the soft sound as,

Nonchalant, Charade, etc.,


Your challenge, how many more can you contribute?


Lastly, there is also the capacity for the silent ‘C’ and the quiet ‘C’


Silent: scissors, miscellaneous, Connecticut

Quiet: social, ocean, ferocious, and ocelot


In conclusion, just a mere exercise to stimulate the consciousness of thought  process to keep you and your mind “On-Point” to be physical, mentally & emotionally Well-Being: To Be & Stay Healthy

Note: Excerpt from my impending book: “Creole Soup”


Steve Braxton, CEO, Life Coach, Freelance Writer & Blogger, Author of non-fiction books, memoirs & Poetic stanza, Winner of The National Poetry Competition of 2021, The Poetic Verse is being published in the Multi-Volume Series of  Nation “Turning The Corner” publication.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021




Vitamin B3 is the same as Niacin and is very effective at correcting high cholesterol and preventing or reversing heart disease. It can also be used to treat insulin-dependent diabetes. It can or may be effective in the use for pain and inflammation, as in arthritis and migraine headaches.


However, taking niacin supplements in high doses can prove to be a danger to your health. The best way is to get it from food consumption, and if you have a deficiency-a slow sustained release of a 500 mg capsule is considered the best for a very short period of time, approximately 30 days. But always check with your primary care doctor first.


Signs of B3 Deficiency:

·        Slight confusion and/or poor memory

·        Constant feelings of Fatigue

·        Low mood

·        Poor Circulation

·        Skin problems and roughness

Research studies has shown even when a B3 deficiency is not present in the body, supplementing with the B3 nutrient can still have significant health benefits as follows:

·        Lowering ‘bad’ LDL  cholesterol levels in the blood cells

·        Lowering levels of lipoprotein

·        Reducing blood triglyceride levels

·        Increasing levels of the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol in the body

·        Preventing atherosclerosis –hardening of the arteries

·        Acting as vasodilator and improving blood circulation

·        Lowering inflammation and pain in the joints

·        Fighting free radicals damages


Vitamin B3 is contain in certain foods as:

·        Fish, Legumes and nuts

·        High protein content as eggs, and peanuts

·        Milk, mushrooms and greens {kale, collards} and green leafy salads



Steve Braxton, Freelance writer & Blogger, Practitioner & Facilitator of The Biblically Based 40 Days: “The Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change Initiative: the duration of this Awesome spiritual 40 day journey the body shall benefit and be the recipient of Detox, Cleanse, Purify and Healing. More info send the request to






-Not Just The Story of the Verdict-but the Ramification in the Aftermath


Just prior to the GOP Senate verdict-Wall Street Journal issued a Scavenging Editorial Verdict on Donald Trump: The damning editorial pointed out, that Trump’s legacy ‘will be forever stained’ by the dastardly violence on Jan 6. Which became a riot that rocked the US Capital by his rousing and inciting out-of-control supporters. Done so through manipulation and untruths about the Nov 2020 election. An election he lossed but claimed at numerous rallies and with the use of social media via Twitter that the election was rigged and stolen. The editorial board went on to share that, ‘whatever the results’ of the Senate impeachment trial for inciting the riot, Republicans should remember the betrayal if Trump decides to run again in 2024.


The editorial board of Wall Street even recalled some of Trump’s election fraud rhetoric. How they thought it was indicative of playing with fire. Especially for hours how he refused to attempt to defuse the violence, after saying to the rioter’s mob, he’d walk to the Capital building with them, but instead, he went to the White House and watched chaotic scenes on television. It was the belief there was ‘no defense’ for Trump’s conduct prior to and during the incident on Jan 6, 2021




The voting tally, 50 Democrats with 7 Republicans that cross the aisle for a total of 57 votes to convict, and 43 other GOP Senators voted for an Acquittal. One of the best DNC/GOP  efforts-but the 2/3 rule needed to be 67 to convict- it fell 10 votes short  




Mitch McConnell, GOP Senator, after voting with the 43 to clear Trump, rushed to the platform to launch an all-out attack on the ex-president. McConnell tore into Trump saying & making such comments as:

·        Trump was clearly responsible for inciting the Capital riot on Jan 6

·        But immediately argued the former president is still liable for everything he did while in office

·        However, congress does not have the reach to impeach him for it

·        He did not get away with anything yet, we have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil ligation and former presidents are not immune to being accountable by either one


Sen. Lisa Murkowski {R-Alaska} issued a scorching statement as to why she decided to cross the aisle to vote to convict Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, she said “The facts make it clear that the violence and desecration of The capital we saw on Jan 6, was not a spontaneous uprising” She went on to explain that she believed, “Trump set the stage” for the insurrection many months before by repeatedly pushing unfounded allegations of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election” She further said, “Trump did everything in his power to stay in power”, “ultimately calling on his supporters to come to D.C. ‘To Stop The Steal’ of an election, ‘That Had Not Been Stolen’, and then to give the mob crowd explicit instructions to march to the US Capitol on Jan 6 and to do collateral damage by any means necessary


Of course, Nancy Pelosi was livid as she crashed the House Impeachment managers press conference following the trial conclusion. Specifically, she lashed out an attack on McConnell and his aftermath comments on the floor after his vote for acquittal. She said of McConnell, remember; when he talked about incitement, he said then, he did not think Trump's behavioral action rose to the level of impeachment. He was hedging all over the place then to justify his vote today


TRUMP Missed Opportunity

COVID-19, has claimed the lives of approximately half a million people in the USA. While Trump downplayed the threat of the coronavirus pandemic, as promoted untested therapies and pressured state governments to lift economic restrictions designed to be safe and protected to disavow the spread of the virus COVID-19


Refused to release his tax returns and to create a blind trust for business holdings that made money during the presidency. He sought repeatedly to interfere with investigations of the Russian's interference in this 2016 election victory. He called them ‘very fine people’-the political extremists, Q’non, White Supremacists, Altright and White Nationalist demonstrations Aug 2017, Charlottesville, VA


Chris Whipple, author of “The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency said that for all his “norm-shattering:

·        The Mad Tweeting-The rampant corruptions

·        The science denial-The war against immigrants

·        Trump will be remembered for two things



~His fumbling of a lethal pandemic that impacted and cost the loss of half a million lives

~His incitement rioters mob and the bloody insurrection against a free and fair election. When weighted against those two twin legacies-nothing else will matter or rise to the occasion


In addition, the court of public opinion, according to Jennifer Mercieca, the author of Ðemagogue for President: the Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump, The following:

·        Refused to participate in the traditional peaceful transition of powers of the Presidency of the White House residency

·        A National Political Leader who refused to accept the loss and acknowledge the newly-elected US Presidency of Biden/Harris

·        Instead he chose to spread conspiracy theories, threatened officials and called his loyal followers to Washington to incite an insurrection on the US Capital

·        Disregarded the Honor, the Power & the Respect of the White House and the  Presidency of These United States of America that he was afforded by the Obama’s when he came into office in 2016-17


Steve Braxton, Freelance Writer & Blogger, author of non-fiction books, memoirs and poetic stanza,









Monday, February 15, 2021


The Second Attempt at Impeachment For President Trump


Of course, the impeachment manager's intent is the Convicting of Trump. However, on-like the first attempt where the conviction was out of reach, because of the ‘cult-like’ behavior of the Republican Senators. Therefore, this time around the Impeachment Managers seeks to present an approach that holds the potential proclivities of a multi-purpose Verdict.


On the day of Jan 6, 2021, the world witnesses a mob attack with visible violence, mayhem, and insurrection activities, that shook and damaged the doors at the US Capital. Such destructive acts that were so compelling with bloodshed, shattered glass, office rampage and democracy besieged.


All done with the leader of the free world, President Trump, immediately posted a message on Twitter, that seems both complicit and celebratory of the moment for such destructive activities at the US Capitol, The post sent read as follows: “Remember this day forever!”- he urged in the Twitter post


The Impeachment Managers being cognizant of the polarized Republican Senate, putting verdict to convict seemingly out of reach; the managers, who are the prosecutors are taken a different approach toward other audiences beyond the Senate chamber, that of:

·        The American People of The Court of Public Opinion

·        Also the historians who are documenting impending leadership activities and ‘body of work’ of the Donald Trump


These afore-mentioned incidents shall have a grave unfavorable impact for future ambitions and aspirations for free world leadership  possibilities Thus it shall:

·        Historically Render risks regards sound judgments about a former President and his time in power

·        Create the risk to deny Trump-2024 Public Election run


The Managers are taking special care through the process of the expansive use of unsettling video footage that shows Trump’s words and brutal rampage. They are seizing the moment to make searing and compelling evidence of images that wreaks havoc in the national spotlight that serves to be inexpungible to the legacy of Trump Presidency watch. Such an impactful approach put forth by the managers and prosecutors shall ensure that Trump has ultimately held accountable in some other ways if the senate decides to render an acquittal on the impeachment


According to Ken Gormley, president of Duquesne University, and author of non-fiction books on, impeachment, presidents and the Constitution, “The Democrats and House managers are playing to a different jury in this case other than previous the impeachment trial of an American president. Regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, the first paragraph of historical accounts of the Trump the presidency is likely to say, that he incited a mob attack on Congress after refusing to accept the results of an election”


‘The president must bear some responsibility for the JAN 6, events due to the fact that he promoted unfounded conspiracy theories that have led to this point”, said Sen Richard Burr, R-NC. The call to march down to the US Capital was an inciting situation, it was pouring fuel of a spark of fire, So, no, he does bear some responsibility”, said Sen. Kevin Cramer R-ND


Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, one of the few Trump’s more outspoken Republican critics said, “The House Managers played a searing sequence of never before seen images of the mob ransacking the Capital. Given what the country has now seen the prospects for a Trump comeback campaign in 2024 appear to be vanishingly thin. Frankly, I don’t see  how after the American Public sees the whole story laid out, I just can’t see how Donald Trump could be reelected to the presidency again, I just don’t see it”


Karl Rove, the Republican strategist and former adviser to President George W. Bush said, “The Managers has made a very persuasive presentation, not clear they met the legal definition of ‘incitement  and insurrection’, but they have effectively tarnished-for all time and incapable run in 2024. The question at hand is how much power has been done to dominate the GOP, that would have served to drain away by the time this is over?”


Some loyal supporters of Trump and close members of his camp, have even acknowledged that the prosecution has been effective. However, they were quick to say that the managers portrayed it, as an illegitimate smear borne of partisan animus


A another lone voice in the Big Lie and lifelong adviser of Trump, Jason Miller, said “The impeachment drive is a vindictive way to beat the president for future elections, but it is one that would not work, given Trump’s enduring support within the Republican base of supporters. We await the trial verdict


Steve Braxton, Freelance writer & Blogger, Author of non-fiction books, memoirs, & poetic stanza,





Friday, February 5, 2021


Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change 40 days….: I Mean!


The Awesome spiritual Journey continues the finish line is near

We are on the 35th day. Only 5 more days…….LEFT;


I shall take this time to provide some Insights and Intel on the “Type of Rest” that every person needs. The question to ponder; have you ever tried to fix a lack of energy situation by simply getting more sleep? If so only to find that you still feel somewhat exhausted?


Here’s a secret; Know this: Sleep and Rest are not one and the same thing. Although the common school of thought dictates that it is; therefore, many people incorrectly confuse the two, meaning, Sleep and Rest.


Albeit we go through life thinking we have rested because we know we have gotten enough sleep. However, in reality, we are missing out on the other types of rest we so desperately need. According to a recent community experiential collaborative done in TED Talk Community. The revelation and confirmation of the results denote that a culture of:

·        High Achieving-high producing person

·        As Chronically tired and chronically burned-out individuals

·        We are suffering from a deficit, why?

·        Because we do not adequately understand the true power of rest


The results of the findings were indicative of the fact, that ‘Rest’ should be equal levels of restoration in key areas of one’s life, such as:

·        Physical Rest-Mental Rest-Sensory Rest-Creative rest, and Emotional Rest

·        The final type of Rest is in the Genre of The Spiritual Realm


Let’s get into the narrative discord for the utterances of the respective types of the key levels of different Rest the body needs:


Physical Rest

This can be passive or active, passive includes sleeping and napping. Active physical rest means restorative activities, as in exercising, stretching, yoga, cardio, etc., .anything that helps to improve the body’s circulation and flexibility


Mental Rest

Take notice of family members, individuals, or co-workers you know who are often times irritable, forgetful, and have difficulty concentrating on matters of pertinent and important issues at hand. A family member who frequently struggles to turn off their brain regards conversations from the day’s encounters that have filled their thought of consciousness. Also despite sleeping seven to eight hours still wake up feeling as if they never went to bed. Such a person has a serious ‘Mental Rest Deficit’


The good news is, one does not need to quit work or take a vacation to fix this dilemma. The Routine to fix:

·        Take short breaks every few hours through-out the day

·        These breaks is a reminder to help one to slow down

·        Keeping a note pad handy to jot down key notes that causes nagging thoughts that lingers in the mind which would tend to keep one awake


Sensory Rest

Bright lights, computer screens, background noise, and busy multiple conversations are grave distractions. This causes one sense to be or feel overwhelmed.


Take sometime during the day to unplug. Close your eyes to intentionally unplug from all electronics at the end of each day. The intentional moments of sensory deprivation can begin to undo the damages inflicted by the over-stimulating activities in the world’s atmosphere during the day


Creative Rest

This type is especially important for those who solve problems or are involved in the brainstorming of new purpose you to take in the beauty of the splendor of the outdoors. A walk in the park or in the back yard of the house can also serve to provide some creative rest. It is also inclusive of festivals in the parks and the arts during the festive summer season.


Emotional Rest

This type usually occurs when we fail to differentiate between those relationships that tend to revive from those relationships that exhaust us. Social media can serve to be good when you are involved and surrounded and by positive supportive people. You have the choice to engage more fully and intentionally by turning on your devices, I pad, smartphone, laptop, etc., and focusing on who or what you decide to connect to and engage with.


Spiritual Rest

This provides the ability to connect beyond physical, emotional, and mental, allowing the possibilities to feel a deep inward and outward sense of belonging, that possesses the attributes: nurture, care, love, acceptance, and purpose. The spiritual rest atmosphere establishes to receive and engage in something greater than self, and when meditation and prayer is added, this brings to the forefront the enormities of the community to your daily routine.


Therefore, in conclusion, it is my hope that you can discern, sleep alone cannot restore one to the feeling of being well-rested. Let’s be aware to keep-front-of-mind-consciousness to begin the new focus on getting the right type of ‘Rest’ we need to augment our mind and body. BTW know that fatigue can bring on and cause numerous health issues, as reminders please have normal checkups with your primary care doctor, if it persists


Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Ordained Minister, Freelance Writer & Blogger, author, non-fiction books, memoirs, and Poetic stanza,