Sunday, February 21, 2021

 Letter “C” of the alphabets-Insights and Intel

How Many ways is the letter “C” pronounced? Wait before you begin to test your psyche, as you continued to read the insights and Intel narrative


Firstly, the ‘C’ pronunciations have a variety of categories, such as:

·        The Soft “C” and the Hard “C”

·        And also how it is treated when it appears at the end of a word


Example of Soft and Hard “C”

Soft: cease-cider-cedar & cyber

Hard: capital-contain-customer-classy & crystal


Note: Test your vocabulary- what other words can you think of?


When it appears at the end of a word the pronunciation sounds like a ’K’

Example; ‘Arc’ or ‘Scientific ‘


Then there is the “CH’ sound of the ‘C’-What is the ‘CH’ sound you ask?

Well, words such as Cheese, Chew, Teach, Change, Church, Spinach…etc.


How many more words can you think of with the “CH” sound?


Now, let’s take a look at the middle of some words with the letter ‘C’-they tend to have the sound of the ‘K’

i.e., Echo, Chrome, Chemistry {words of Greek origin}


Also the French origin tend to be the soft sound as,

Nonchalant, Charade, etc.,


Your challenge, how many more can you contribute?


Lastly, there is also the capacity for the silent ‘C’ and the quiet ‘C’


Silent: scissors, miscellaneous, Connecticut

Quiet: social, ocean, ferocious, and ocelot


In conclusion, just a mere exercise to stimulate the consciousness of thought  process to keep you and your mind “On-Point” to be physical, mentally & emotionally Well-Being: To Be & Stay Healthy

Note: Excerpt from my impending book: “Creole Soup”


Steve Braxton, CEO, Life Coach, Freelance Writer & Blogger, Author of non-fiction books, memoirs & Poetic stanza, Winner of The National Poetry Competition of 2021, The Poetic Verse is being published in the Multi-Volume Series of  Nation “Turning The Corner” publication.

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