Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Inherent in the process of relational building and development is the embodiment of “Purpose’. Often times we think that things or events just happen to us in life. However, when on the path of the journey of life we encounter an enormity of teachable moments. Such learning occurrences tend to lead us where God wants us to be.

It is very important to both examine and evaluate all situations as potential ‘divine appointments’ that hold the proclivities to design and shape one life. Just for a moment reflect on all the good and bad circumstances that have affected you lately. Can you possibly glean through the uncanny ability to discern God’s purpose in any of such situations and circumstances? Perhaps He is making the building of a certain quality in your life leading you to become, all He created you for and intended for you to be 

From the Biblical perspective, it is revealed that after God created the firmaments of the Heavenly and Earthly Galaxies. There was the presence of every plant of the field and every herb of the atmosphere of the field, on the face of the earth, before it grew, and God caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the soil, but God created a mist from the earth, that watered the entire face of the soil upon the earth.


And then, He stoops down and scooped up dusk from the rich fertile dirt of the ground-The Lord God formed the first creature known as ‘Man’-He breathe into man’s nostrils The Breath of Life. Thus Man became a living soul-he was made in God’s image and after His likeness-and, God called him Adam.

God place Adam-the Man He had formed from the rich fertile dirt of the ground in the garden of plants and herbs. Which became known as the Garden East of Eden? Then God created every beast of the field and every fowl of the air-where He brought them to Adam and ask him what name he would call them. And whatsoever Adam called them that became the names thereof; Adam Named:

All the cattle on in the earthy realm

All the fowl of the air

The creatures of the sea

And every beast of the field

All of them were in pairs of two 

God knew, and Adam was suddenly aware there was no help meet for him. Without any hesitation, the Lord God induced a deep sleep to overcome Adam-and as he slept God reached inside the inner recesses of Adam's body and took out one of his ribs, closed the flesh of the wound, and from the rib God made a creature of different gender of a human being image and brought her unto Adam. And Adam proclaimed, “This is  bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, she shall be called “Woman”

Know that all of God’s created works were not complete until he made woman. He could have made her from the dusk of the soil of the earth, just like he did Adam. However, God chose to make her from Man’s flesh and bone without the aid or through the process we know as the birth of another woman. 

Such a created process is an illustration that in a wedded union of marriage man and woman emerges as two and symbolically becomes one in the flesh. Therefore, the efforts and commitment should not be a mere focus on friendship, but more of a strident focus on “Oneness” 

The nutriments of relationship building and development should encompass both the attributes of Nourishment and cherish as focus attention on the woman. This serves as edification for the full emergence of her persona. Because she the woman, is the special one to be nurtured, cherished, and prepared. This inherently brings to bear the significance of what is accomplished, which serves as being spiritually focused and directly related to the relationship held, enjoy,  and embodied with the creator. Which is the advent of “Oneness’

Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Ordained Minister, Behavioral Modification Practitioner, w/concentration of stress, anxiety, depression, and crisis intervention & prevention

Freelance Writer & Blogger, Author of non-fiction books, memoirs, and poetic stanza

Sunday, March 13, 2022


It is a must to know, understand and maintain the proper food consumption to keep the brain functioning at maximum capacity. Know that it is a fact there exists a good relationship between the stomach and the brain. In order to have a normal, physical, and Mental Well-Being and healthy body with good brain functioning qualities. There is most assuredly an inextricable link that serves as a healthy nutritional pathway involving the gut and the brain.

According to Dr. Uma Naidoo, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, and research nutritionist, she suggests people should eat to maximize the awesome ‘power of the brain’. Dr. Naidoo goes on to say, “We all should be aware of the best brain-boosting foods one can eat to help”:

Improve the mood

Sharpen the memory

Help the brain work at peak efficiency i.e. 

 Herbs & Spices, the flavoring taste very good, the anti-oxidant contain therein helps to fights off free radicals and reduces anxiety. One of the most favorite spices is ‘turmeric’ comes in both powder and granulated  form

Saffron Supplement, is effective brain food. In 2013, a number of  Meta-Analysis Randomized trials were conducted, which proved the effects of Saffron supplementation works very well on symptoms of depression. In particular, those participants who suffered major “Depression Dis-Order”

Fermonied type fermented foods, such as yogurt and sauerkraut, which has excellent qualities for the body and the brain

Dark Chocolate, this product has excellent sources of iron, that helps to protect neurons and helps to control chemicals synthesis, with the chemical pathways to stabilize one’s mood

Avocado is a vegetable product with a very high source of magnesium that is important for overall proper brain functions, due to the anti-inflammation monounsaturated fats contained  within

Nuts, Cashews, roasted peanuts, almonds, and walnuts, hold the greatest of healthy fats and oils. And helps the brain to function well with essential vitamins and minerals. Walnuts are tops, because of their effects of anti-inflammation omega-3 fatty acids

Leafy Green Vegetables, Collard, and Kale are tops because of the containment of vitamin E, carotenoids, and flavonoids, which are nutrients that protects Dementia and cognitive decline. Other greens such as spinach, chard, and dandelion greens are excellent as well

Steve Braxton, life coach, prevention/intervention crisis counselor for stress, anxiety, and depression, blogger, author of non-fiction books, memoirs, and poetic stanza,