Friday, January 29, 2021


THE GOP FINDS THEMSELVES-In a Possible No-Win Situation

This is due mostly in part to the Capitol rioting on January 6, as lawmakers are watching very closely to see if Trump will lose the grip on any of his base constituents. The questions of concern are:

·        How do they appease Trump supporters and also avoid alienating the moderate Republicans, at the same time, continue to build the base?

·        Indeed, the biggest concern is regarding what’s on the mind of GOP lawmakers, and what Trump’s next role will be in the GOP party?


During the 2016 presidential primaries Senate Republican Lindsey Graham made a ‘now-infamous prediction’, “if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed-and we will deserve it”.  The senior senator from South Carolina seemly was somewhat of a modern-day prophet. At least, according to the unfolding and emergence of what has been a manifestation as observed by the whole world during Trump’s tenure as the succinct leader of the free world


“The Republican Party is in a precarious position. They are caught between a rock and a hard place”, so says, Jonathan Krasno, Professor of Political Science at Binghamton University, New York, NY. Trump has basically set and dictated the agenda for the GOP party during the totality and entirety of the time he held power. He did it even when that agenda was a traditional contradiction of Republicanism. Also, senator Graham utterance of words of disapproval made many GOP lawmakers to be initially critical of him, but eventually, Graham did an about-face and went on to become a staunch and almost cult-like enthusiastic supporter and defender of Trump’s insidious leadership acts, and antics perpetrated on the populist of America


A Party Divided

Some of the Republican politicians have begun to run from EX-POTUS. Ten of them in the House of Representatives voted with Democrats to Impeach Trump-making it the most bipartisan impeachment in US history. While most Senate Republicans, including the now minority leader Mitch McConnell voted recently to declare the impeachment trial unconstitutional now that Trump is not a sitting president, albeit five GOP members of the Senate did not support the situation.


Prior to the vote when McConnell was asked his thoughts on the Senate trial impeachment vote, he was not obliged to say publicly how he would vote, but he said to his fellow GOP’s that their choice should be a ‘vote of conscience’


In an Ipsos/Axious poll that was done in the aftermath of January 6, Capitol riot, 56% of Republicans polled held fast to being ‘traditional Republicans, while only 36% called themselves a Donald Trump supporter”. But on November 20, 2020 presidential elections, Trump performed was worse than the Republican Party generally, such as:

·        Split Tickets in the suburbs

·        Mail in early ballots from urban areas of the US-not in his favor

·        Military ballots from abroad-not in his favor

·        Stacy Abrahams yeoman and copious voter education and registration

·        All contributed to trump losing the popular and the electoral college vote, even as Republicans picked up 11 seats in the House of Representatives


Just several days ago Senator Mitch McConnell, who has indulged Trump’s Big Lie of election fraud claims and not initially acknowledging the Biden/Harris win. He came out explicitly and blamed Trump for inciting the mob and riot that swarmed the attack on the US Capitol. Therefore, it seemed that McConnell and other GOP’s are buying time during the wait for the impeachment to begin on Feb 9th to perhaps avoid coming out definitely for or against Trump’s behavior of inciting the riot.


The Senate Leaning toward considering Censuring Trump


If Trump is Censured what does that entail? Well, really not much. If the censure persists it shall be simply a slap on the hand. It will be a formal, public condemnation of his actions regards the Capitol riots. The school of thought is that an enormity of the American Populist would arguably believe that just to censure him is not a proper proportional punishment based on his overt actions in inciting the Capitol riots. Many others, unfortunately, would refute that it is the only form of punishment likely to pass the Senate since there is a need for 17 Republicans to support the impeachment process


However, as the trial of impeachment is being debated and discussed other investigations are underway. The Federal Officials are conducting investigations of “significant felony cases tied to the sedition and conspiracy”-after the Capitol riots. And they are saying there remains a possibility that Trump may face legal consequences which could sway some GOP voters even further away from being in support of the EX-POTUS. It seems that all are waiting to see and hear the results of the final determination of the Federal Investigations.


One of the major bone of contention being considered, is that Trump resisted calls to deploy the National Guard to the Capitol during the breach, resulting in then Vice President Pence taking the lead and doing so himself


Steve Braxton, Freelance Blogger,

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Lifestyle Change: Daniel Fasting-40 days Awesome Journey


Alert! Alert! We have arrived on the 28th day mark of this awesome journey

If you are still with us I congratulate you- we are over halfway there


Since we are in the winter season this is a good time to nourish your body

with continuous bowls of soup. This shall serve to be satisfying, enjoyable

and a nurturing treat for the body.


In addition, not only does it treat the body with good nutrients-but it fill your

home with wonderful aromas-while, it tastes delicious and nourishes the body

both inward & outward.


Bye the way, just a heads-up one of the keys of nourishing your body and

keeping your weight in check is to always be cognizant to choose real whole

foods such as:

·        Fresh Vegetables

·        Fresh Fruits

·        Whole Grains products

·        Nuts, Seeds [wall-nuts, & ground flax seeds]

·        Beans Pinto, Red, and Black

·        Soups as Lentil and Minestrone


That being said, combining fresh ingredients together and cooking them in a crock pot creates and yields wonderful and flavorful meals


Let’s continue to GO FORTH until we cross the “Finish Line” at the end of the 40 days on Feb 9, 2021. SEE U AT THE FINISH LINE


God’s Abundant Blessings


 Bishop Steve Braxton,  Life Coach, Mentor, Ordained Clergy, Freelance Writer, Blogger and Best Selling Author of Non-fiction books






Friday, January 8, 2021


Fastened & The focus of BEING HEALTHY Part II


Examples of healthy foods and ‘Good Fats’

Foods with good fats, ingredients not only help you stay healthy

but it also keeps you feeling full and satisfied. Healthy high fats

are wonderful ways to incorporate more flavor, satisfaction and

and nutrition in meals and snacks.


Fat make food taste better by intensifying the flavor, which also

provides energy and is rich in nutrients as fiber and protein. We hear

a lot of insights, Intel used that refer to unsaturated fats. There are

two types such as:

·        Monounsaturated fats: which are among the healthiest of all

Fats. Such testaments are certified by Dana Hunnes, Ph.D., Sr.

Dietitian at UCLA Medical Center. She goes on to tell that

monounsaturated fats help develop and maintain cells and

help lower your LDL cholesterol levels

·        Polyunsaturated fats: the two main types are omega-3 & omega

·        Omega 6 fatty acid which are essentials fats for many functions of


In addition, Tran’s fats raise the LDL cholesterol while it lowers HDL

Cholesterol, which helps keep blood vessels clear. Saturated fats is a

little more complicated, in that; it’s considered bad for you, due in

part, being  derived from animals, as Beef, Pork and Lamb, as well

as fried foods.


While the topic is still being discussed by the AHA and USDA guide

lines, as the AHA do still recommend limiting the intake of saturated fats

and opt-out for the consumption of monounsaturated and poly unsat-

urated  fats instead.


Good Fats Foods:

Avocados, contain about 21 grams of fats, and is bursting in fiber

Walnuts, is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Almonds, possess about 15 grams of fat and are rich in Vitamin E

Olives, rich in fat and flavor

Olive Oil, extra virgin; for cooking and sprinkling on salads and other

Foods, it is a tremendous source of healthy fats

Ground Flaxseeds, a great source of omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids,

contains both insoluble and soluble fiber, good for feeling satiated

digestive health, stabilizing blood sugar, and constipation. You can

sprinkled on salads and blend in smoothies



 Benefits of Potassium:

It is one of the most important minerals found in the body. It helps

to regulate fluid balance muscle contraction and nerve signals. A high

Potassium the intake shall serve to reduce blood pressure and water

retention, protect against strokes and prevent osteoporosis and

kidney stones


Symptoms of low potassium-common signs are weakness, cramps

and stiffness, tingles and numbness, and digestive symptoms

·        Lungs may not expand and contract properly

·        Resulting in shortness of  breath

·        May cause the heart to beat abnormally

·        Resulting in less blood flow to other parts of the body

·        Deficiency in potassium, mood swing, and mental fatigue

·        Could cause deterring optimal brain function


Foods that are excellent sources of Potassium:

·         Beets and Beet juice and cooked green top of beets

·        Baked Yams, Baked Irish Potato, Baked Sweet Potato

·        Avocados, Bananas, Cooked Pinto Beans

·        Salmon, wild caught-Alaskan, and Tuna, wild-caught


Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Lifestyle Change Counselor & Practitioner,

Freelance Writer & Blogger, Author of Non-fiction books, memoirs &

and Poetic Stanza Verse-A recent winner, Poetry Nation’s National Poetic

completion for Wonderful Verse Poem {01/21}












Thursday, January 7, 2021



This is the Update of the first 7th Days of the 40 days Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change

Just to keep everybody “On-point”

What your average week should be like this:

·        Exercise at least 2-3 days per week

·        To Take a Walk or Ride a Bike shall be good

·        Remember, Eat your breakfast-it’s the  most important meal

·        Try to get plenty of rest and try to sleep 7-8 hours per night

·        Manage your stress levels daily, Pray, Meditate and read scriptures


Protein Deficiency signs-Stay abreast of your protein:

Your Oatmeal and Smoothie are vital

Signs of Deficiency: Gas or bloating, skin looking saggy, brittle hair and nails

The best way to get enough protein, heal the body, and stay strong & Vibrant


The Key Benefits of “Magnesium”

Magnesium is active in over 600 reactions in the body, such as the metabolism of food

The transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of fatty  acids and proteins, muscle

Movements, gene maintenance and protein formation.


Signs of Magnesium Deficiency:

·        Anxiety, Depression, Muscles Cramps, high blood pressure

·        Hormone problems, low energy, low Vitamin D & K  levels


Good Source of Magnesium:

·        Fresh Spinach, Raw or cooked also a key source of protein vitamin E & B

·        Seeds, Ground Flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower sesame, rich in anti-inflammatory

·        Fats and high in protein nutrients

·        Dark Chocolate regular or Dark Chocolate w/almonds {at least 70% cocoa}

·        Bananas, vitamin ‘C’, protein and fiber

·        Beans, Black beans, Red Beans, Lentil beans, or Lentil soup


In conclusion, be intentional, deliberate, and relentless to be vigilant to Stay ‘On-Point”

To garner, obtain, and achieve the maximum protein and magnesium efficiency levels

For the ultimate healthiness of physical and Mental Well-Being, To Be Healthy

Steve Braxton, CEO, Business Adviser, Life Coach, Freelance Writer & Blogger

Saturday, January 2, 2021


Here is The Facts on The Biden Tax Plan -Just The Facts, Just The Fact…


During his speech at the Democratic National Convention President-Elect Biden admitted that taxes are going to be raised under his administration.


Chair & CEO Morris Pearl, the mega-millionaire who offered to underwrite the $2,000 stimulus checks for the American recipients, because he asserts that it will serve to give the economy a real needed boost. Chairman & CEO Pearl also, both liked and touted Biden’s ideas for an alternative minimum tax plan for large corporations, aka in the Genre of an “Amazon Tax”, and he likes.


 President-Elect Biden’s proposals for the most part focuses on ‘Tax Loopholes’, and the minimum wage. Chairman Pearl comments, “I think a lot of things that Biden is proposing to do are simply addressing how the rich are getting richer and richer, through having access to multiple advantages of loopholes, which we do not need. A bold statement direct from the recipient mouth-it don’t get any better than that.


President-elect Biden tax plan increases are primarily aimed at raising taxes on higher earners, such as large corporations, and business and investments income for those types of higher earners. Also, people making more than $400,000.00 dollars per annum for both payroll taxes and capital gains for a combination of about $550,000.00 dollars a year.


In addition, Biden’s tax plans have been analyzed by an entire range of economists groups, which includes the American Enterprise Group, Senior Policy Analysis and Tax foundations up to including the Brookings Institute. That being said, a combination of appropriately capable multiple analyses found that Biden’s Tax plan would be on the riches of Americans individuals and Corporations.


For The richer Americans and Corporations-they would see their tax increase by 13% up to 18%. For Americans of moderate means and less income=it would have an ‘indirect amount’ to a smaller increase approximately amounting to 0.2% up to 0.6%- a very negligible amount.



Steve Braxton, CEO Marketplace Consulting Group, Freelance writer & Blogger, Linked/in/steve-braxton-939aa420/