Monday, March 10, 2025

 The Report Card of the Management Leaders and the Fiscal Responsibility of US Presidents:

Jimmy Carter added $25 billion to the deficit.
Ronald Reagan added a huge $74 billion. That seemed bad at the time but just wait....See how much Bush Sr. spent...
George H.W. Bush Sr. added $102 billion to the deficit
Bill Clinton reduced the deficit by $383 billion, leaving the budget a surplus when he left office, Great Job. Well Done Bill at fiscal management
George W. Bush Jr. added $1.54 trillion to the deficit a horrendous debt added due to the War on Irag
Barack Obama was able to get the deficit down to $585 billion; that is, he reduced it by $825 billion.
Donald Trump added a whopping $2.1 trillion to the deficit.
Joe Biden during his tenure had to clean up the mess left by Trump he was able to reduce the deficit by approx. $942 billion.
Remarks: It seems the GOP has always spent like crazy during their terms of office with no regard for being 'Fiscal Responsible '
The Democrats tend to do much better at being fiscally responsible i.e. President Biden had to fix enormous screw-ups caused and left by Trump. As well as Obama had to do the same that was left by Bush that was implemented with the War on Iraq.

Steve Braxton, Critical Writer, Contributing Blogger, Previous Moderator/Facilitator for The White House Conference on Small Business, with the Clinton/Gore Admin, to include Regional Conferences and Moderator for the Annual White Event with attendance of more than 5,000 Business Owners from across the U.S.

Friday, March 7, 2025


Try Not Never To Hate Others
Endeavor To Stop Overthinking
Strive to reach the level of modesty in Life w/a bit of simplicity
Make a concerted effort to Portray Great Expectations for Achievements
Endeavor to always have a pleasant 'Smile'
Be Open, Positive, and Receptive
By All Means: "Keep The Faith and Trust God
Amen. .Bishop Steve Braxton, Founder/President & CEO Marketplace Ministries, Inc., and National Clergy Fellowship Initiative

 Insights And Intel For Mindful Thoughts Of Consciousness

In the throes to live a life know that most folks don’t

One must be willing to do what the majority won’t

You can endeavor to do anything but you must be focused

Be sure you’re stridently on-point and not caught up as a locust

Remember ambition without action turns toward anxiety

But at all cost you should never forget about the mentoring society

It’s important to note my safe tour on Navy Ships in the Vietnam war

Ships are safe when docked but know that sea voyages are what it’s built for

Before making wrong decisions it would be prudent and wise to get advice

It might bode well to have a mindful thought of consciousness to be nice

Those of of us who move will notice the weight of the chain

Know that it’s okay to live a life most people do not maintain

When others see your action but do not really hear

No worries about you or your proclivities will not strike fear

You may not have a rare or a new reality

No fear or worries no risk your story bring the mentality

If others in your circle of influence see the decisions you had to make

Not the choices or not even the arduous chances you had to take

Never take criticism from people you do not trust

During the working of your magic in the throes of life to avoid the fuss

Steve Braxton, National Poetry Contest Winner, Winner of “Best Poets Of 2022”, an Eber & Wein Publishing compilation @copyright2023, Library Of Congress Cataloging Data ISBN #978-1-60880-746-8

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

 President Trump addresses the nation tonight:

The takeaway seemed to be a focus that was intended to do three things:
1. Deceive
2. Distract
3. Divide

It was on full display as it was both portrayed and exhibited throughout his
entire speech. To counteract such an approach a campaign needs to be mounted to do the following:
~Fact Check
~Fight Back to...
~Stop The Lies

Steve Braxton, Freelance/Critical Writer, Contributing Blogger

Sunday, March 2, 2025

 The Gold Standard For The U.S. & Other Foreign Governments 

-Insights and Intel regards the disposition of Gold Standard prior and present times

President Nixon on August 15, 1971 suspended the use of the Gold Standard

At that time Foreign Governments could redeem U.S Dollars for Gold at $35 dollars per ounce 

Reason For Change:

Rising Debt Ceiling-Inflation-Excessive Money Printing 

The System was Made to become Un-sustainable 

France and other Governments began to demand Gold for dollars

At that time Nixon abruptly close the Gold window. Which effectively defaulted on the U.S dollar obligation 

The world then began to rely purely on a Debt-Based monetary system. This allowed governments to print unlimited money. However, it is now approaching its breaking point.

The U.S. Claims to hold 8, 133 metric tons of Gold-more than  any other nation has in storage:

Fort Knox allegedly holds 4,581 metric tons, which is 56% of total U.S. Gold reserves, but that has not been audited for over 40 years

New York Federal Reserve stored roughly 6,190 metric tons, which is much more than Fort Knox. However, portions belong to Foreign Governments, the Central Banks, International organizations, and the US Treasury. 

Despite the New New York Reserves housing more than Fort Knox its role in the US Gold Policy is rarely discussed

However, some reports indicate that much of the Gold is Leased, Swapped, or Re-Hypothecated, meaning multiple partners hold claims on the same gold

Gold is used as a hedge against inflation-but heretofore that seems to be changing. It is at the center of a financial shift that could re-define the Global Monetary System

It’s a fact of history that only Gold and Silver are used as a standard i.e. Money will conform

Steve Braxton, Former Sr Partner, KaratBars International Gold Bullion Education System, Retired C-Suites Executive & CEO Fortune 100,500, & 1000 Corporations


Thursday, February 27, 2025

 VANCE’S Ohio Home Town Newspaper Ask “What is Wrong with J.D."?

His hometown Newspaper calls him a Lapdog VP
A scathing Ohio newspaper article describes Vance as an incredibly disastrous person in a very short period of time. The news article goes on to explain that he has managed to alienate the U.S. European Allies and justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as an irreparable shred of the U.S. Credibility on the world stage. The article further rips Vance as a shameless election denier who is working for an authoritarian regime wannabe dictator, that is lawlessly dismantling the Democratic Republic
In conclusion, the question was again asked: “Seriously what is wrong with J.D.? The concluding answer: “A hell of a lot”
Steve Braxton Freelance/Critical Writer, Contributing Blogger, and Storyteller Narrator & Orator

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Well, when most of “We The People” responds. The narrative begins with this expression: “Well why don’t we begin to take a look at his actions i.e.

To begin with he lied about the 2020 election results

Such that it caused and created lasting distrust in the democratic process

That withstanding  he still receives millions of votes in the 2024 presidential election, thus those followers who believe such baseless claims are now crying and shedding tears  

These tears are shed at the very behest of the fabric of the foundation of America’s Democracy-all due to the bad things he has caused to happen

And he is still moving forward against “We The People” which is inclusive of his loyal MAGA followers. 

Therefore, when this next question is asked i.e. “Has he betrayed the people, the constitution, and the country? The narrative proclamation that usually follows is in this guise:

His action  speaks louder than his previous words of promises

Such that it rendered previous promises null and void- he simply lied

This is considered and viewed  as a betrayal of America’s trust and undermining its values and has endangered the future at every turn

The consensus is not about calling him out because it is not about politics. But it is more about defending the safety and soul of the country and the nation. However, such actions being exhibited and portrayed are both destructed and ill-fated.

He has disregarded the oath of office he proclaimed to defend and protect the constitution and the country before loyalty to any individual. Make no mistake Trump has proven by his actions time and time again that ‘loyalty’ is only to himself

Steve Braxton, Freelance/Critical Writer, Contributing Blogger, Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator