Sunday, March 25, 2018

A word and Praise for Servitude-There is Blessedness to serve others

Steve Braxton commented on John Maxwell Team | A Minute With Maxwell | Free Video Opt In.
As we put God First, therein is the Quest of the journey to have the understanding-that we should learn to embrace the thought: "we must exit for others" When we do a bountiful and abundance of blessings shall be in store to flow upon us, when we have such a mind-set. Amen...
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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Action Behavior and/or Utterances in Happenstance of Life

What of the Word and/or The Expression: F.E.A.R...?
It can take on different action or behavioral Patterns {3 choices}
In Reflective Mode: The words of Maya Angelou "I rise.. I rise...Yes! I Rise...!

What of the action and Behavior to be "Unique"...?
Meaning: You're not like anyone, someone, everyone, or somebody else; You don't wanna be, or pretend to be; all you desire to be is.. Repeat to Self, "I Am Just Me" {Thus "The persona of 'Unique'}

Monday, March 19, 2018

Prayer Of Supplication and Spiritual Embrace...

Dear God...
I thank U for waking me up each and every morning, to see a brand new day; One I've nvr seen B 4; help me thru the day; which brings swift transitions, unexpected, ups and downs, and an enormity of conflicts and challenges. Give me the impetus of a fresh new start.

As I have the chance to walk in your divine presence & strength; and as I reflect on the purpose of my life; one that you've pre-ordained just for me.

Forgive me, dear God for my plethora of faults, and sins thru words, thoughts and deeds. I pray that you cast them in the sea-of-forgiveness. Then help me to walk closer by your side, today, tomorrow, and yes, even the days yet to come.

I pray that you help me to radiate your marvelous light into the chance oppty of everyone I'm destined to meet. It's my hope, desire and prayer-that they may see your love thru me.

Oh great; wise, and good God! I ask that you order my steps and direct my path. Because, I cannot make it through the day without you and the strong arm of protection you provides.

I love you, I adore you, I magnify and glorify you, I worship and praise your name, this is my prayer, In the Matchless Name Of Jesus! Amen.

Steve Braxton, Founder, Bishop and Presiding Prelate, National Clergy Fellow, A unit of Marketplace Outreach Ministries, Inc website:@nationalclergy.fellowship., 7301 W. 25th Street, Ste 204, North Riverside, IL 60546

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Word About "THE VALUE" of Fruits

Apples>Assist U to Resist Infections
BlueBerries>Give Strength to the heart
Bananas>Boost your energy levels
Cherries> Assist U to calm your nerves
Grapes>especially red one's,relaxes your blood vessels
Oranges>protects skin and help to soothe and enhance vision
Pineapples>Give relief to arthritis conditions
Strawberries, Help U to flaunt gracefully with aging....
Watermelon>have great nutritional attributes and enhance/promote better weight management

Steve Braxton, National Clergy Fellowship Outreach, Health & Wellness Practitioner, Lead Coordinator, 40 Day Daniel Lifestyle Change-Awesome Spiritual journey of Prayer, Meditation, w/focus on Biblical Scripture {Daniel 1:1-22} Benefits: detox, cleanse {colon}purify the inner being and also healing qualities are experienced along the spiritual walk and journey of life...