Monday, August 28, 2023

 The Precipitous Totality of ‘One’

Only One tree can provide the abundance for a full forest;

One single smile creates a burst to start a friendship;

Thus One hand can touch and agree to uplift a soul;

It takes just One idea to begin to shape the future;

The presence of One candle wipes out darkness;

One person’s laughter conquers the gloom of the room;

One ray of hope gives rise to choice to uplift the spirits; One touch solidifies the trust which shows that One cares;

One life makes that difference toward concern for others;

Let’s All Strive To Be That ‘One’ Today.

Steve Braxton, National Poetry contest winner for 2022 & 2023, The poetic stanza verse for 2023 will be part of the Eber & Wein Publishing’s Who’s Who in American Poetry Collection. The 2022 poetry, “Vietnam Aftermath--Discerning Wisdom” is published in a compilation book, “Turning the Corner: Looking Forward” and has a Library of Congress Cataloging Publication Data, ISBN# 978-1-60880-726-0

Thursday, August 24, 2023

 The Constitution’s 14th Amendment Automatically Prohibits, Excludes, from future office & position of power

In the United States Government.

Georgia’s District Attorney Indicting Trump and 18 Allies with the RICO Statue

If you’re going to indict a former US President, then you must bring to bear the best possible team and put the appropriate tools in place to get the required results. Therefore, this particular use of the RICO Laws is historic and unprecedented. DA Fani Willis is charging Trump, the former president of the United States with the RICO statute. The RICO statute accordingly is the best available research carried out by DA Willis, as she says, “It is an appropriate statute for addressing the alleged criminal behavior involved in the extensive efforts of Trump and his allies to overturn the election results of 2020 in the State of Georgia”

If Trump and his allies are found guilty, that is different than being guilty of forgery or something else, in essence, it will be an accusation of being a part of racketeering and a criminal enterprise.

The 14th Amendment status and disposition

The embodiment of section 3 in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution is often overlooked. This section stipulates and automatically excludes from future office and positions of power in the United States Government, and any equivalent office and position of power. Any person who has taken an oath to support and defend the constitution, and thereafter rebels against the sacred charter of the constitution, either by overt insurrection or by giving aid or comfort to the constitution’s enemies.

Such case as former president Trump’s unprecedented historic federal and state indictments has prompted students of the Constitution, US Courts of Appeals Judge, other professors of constitutional law, and thrice constitutional advocates, scholars, and practitioners to weigh in on his conviction under any or all of these indictments would be either necessary or sufficient to deny him to seek the office of the President for 2024.

The profound conclusion from all aforementioned professional officials that follows, states that whoever swore to support the constitution, inclusive of the 14th amendment ---as every officer, state or federal, in every branch of government, must and who thereafter, either ‘engaged insurrection or rebellion” against the constitution or gave aid and comfort to the enemies, of that constitution of the United States, as a sovereign nation is automatically disqualified from holding future office and must therefore be barred from election to any office of the United States. #TRUTH# #JUSTTHEFACTS#

Steve Braxton is a critical Writer, Global Internet Blogger, and Social Media Contributor, also Author of Non-Fiction Books, Memoirs, and Poetic Verse Stanza.

Monday, August 21, 2023

TAKE AWAY FROM THE LATEST INDICTMENTS IN THE GA District Attorney’s Charges Against Former POTUS D. Trump

The insights and Intel as It unfolds in Fulton County GA has a “Secret Weapon” that weapon has been given the mystical name-the Michael Jordan of RICO.

Such a narrative utterance proclamation seemly brings to bear a new type of concern and some level of fear from D . Trump and his team of lawyers. Nevertheless, the RICO Law enables Fani Willis the DA of Fulton County in GA to charge D. Trump and 18 of his allies with a historic 41-count indictment for allegedly engaging in an extensive plot of corruption to overturn the state’s 2020 election results. The District Attorney has referred to and named the activities of the accused of orchestrating a ‘criminal enterprise’.

The RICO Law has been utilized very successfully in prior cases orchestrated by Georgia’s DA Fani Willis. In addition, DA Willis has formed a collaboration with John Floyd and appointed him as Assistant DA of Fulton County. Atty Floyd has tried and convicted numerous defendants utilizing the RICO Law, and he has also written a book on Georgia’s racketeering laws.

“If I were charged with a RICO Law violation, the last person on the planet, that I would want to see helping the prosecutors would be John Floyd”. So said, Eric Segal, the Kathy & Lawrence Ashe Professor of Law at Georgia State University. Professor Segal went on to say, ‘ Such team effort and experience I would consider it to be a kind of Michael Jordan of the RICO.

Stay tuned, I shall Keep On Top, and stay abreast of this situation more blogs shall be forthcoming

Steve Braxton, Critical Writer, Social Media and Global Internet blogger, Author, and National Poetry Contest Winner 0f 2022 & 2023, is soon to be featured in the “Who’s Who” of American Poetry Collection Publication, A Library of Congress Compilation by Eber & Wein Publishing 

Saturday, August 12, 2023


Based on what we’ve seen thus far between the two political parties there is nothing acceptable that they can be complicit about. Even if the Democrats adopt a Republican position on some issues of benefits and policies it will do nothing to stop alienating Republicans, why? because it’s not really about benefits or policy positions. It seemly is boldly more about ‘tribalism’ and the Democrats are seen by the Republicans as the ‘wrong tribe’

A Bit of historical wisdom has been recorded regarding the initial benefit being enacted as a Republican Health Care Plan. At this point, you are probably saying to yourself, ‘What’, ‘Where, ‘When’

Yes, you heard it right before Obamacare {Affordable Care Plan}, the plan was initially created by Republican Mitt Romney, who enacted the same idea in Massachusetts. It was presented as an alternative to a single-payer universal health care proposal. It was called MassHealth, but was more commonly known as RomneyCare-and it worked very well

Therefore, President Obama in his ingenious mindful thought of confidence focus keenly on a compromise to reach across the aisle to work diligently to adopt the Republican position on health care. Commonly known as ObamaCare. The concluding evidential outcome was that most of the Republicans hated it with every Fiber Of Their Being.

Steve Braxton, Blogger, Critical Writer, Author of Non-fiction books, and poetic verse stanza

Wednesday, August 9, 2023



If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic you’ve probably heard 

That eating sugar including natural sugar like honey was a  big “no, no”

Well, I have good news about honey that has been changed I’d like to share with you.

Honey unlike regular sugar-is a natural, bioactive substance chock full of anti-inflammatory substances, flavonoids, and polyphenols that are high-powered antioxidants. However, make sure that it’s raw natural unfiltered honey

In a recent study conducted for 52 weeks where two groups were fed either sugar or honey. The long-term feeding group decreased  the bad cholesterol {LDL} and increased the good cholesterol {HDL} proactive type had very effective results 

Another study results that a diet containing honey showed a significant decrease in triglycerides, LDL, bad cholesterol, leptins, body weight, and body fat. In addition, it showed those who consumed small amounts of honey increased the effectiveness of diabetes medications. 

THE JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL FOOD study found that natural raw honey lowers blood glucose levels in healthy, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic individuals. This study also showed that honey help to increase natural levels of insulin, which help to remove glucose from the blood. It also showed lower C-relative protein and homocysteine -both are inflammatory markers for heart disease.

Although honey does contain natural sugars, it is still REAL FOOD loaded with powerful nutrients contained within it.

Honey also contains an enormity  of beneficial compounds, including:

Minerals-amino acids-

Vitamins and antioxidants

Antibacterial properties that heal wounds and infections

Therefore, if you are diabetic YES YOU CAN EAT HONEY because it serves to improve insulin sensitivity, lowers cholesterol, helps with weight management, and healthy thyroid levels, and indeed, it lowers inflammation in the joints


Steve braxton, lifestyle change practitioner for the 40 days of the daniel fast annual activity each year begins Jan 1, through Feb 10th each year {An Annual happening}