Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Consider: The Feelings of 'Insecurity'

In the case of happenstance when you find yourself in the throes of-Feelings and emotions closely akin to insecurity'. What to do? what might be the proper approach?- in order to focus on hope to bring forth the process to cope. In the book: "The Road That Is Difficult To Travel" by Steve Braxton. There is a revealing approach on the front cover to grasp an approach to begin the concentration, i.e,

In Search Of Hope...
    ~The Way To Cope..
    ~Exercise Forgiveness...
   ~The Connection For..
   ~The Joy Of Healing...

The aforementioned gives and provides ways to cope and to deal with such feelings of insecurity.
Here's something to ponder and put in one's psyche for 'front-of-mind-consciousness'

A person errs on the inability to change those things that are outside of self
Which is where feelings of insecurity begin and dwell
It is not found inward or within you-but rather it is outward-on the outbound of you
Express in a different way: An effective action might be to:

  • Settle Down-Be Still-Have a Quest to Grasp feelings of calmness
  • Seek Inner Peace 
  • Take Time for Reflection
  • Promote Peace-Let it Exudes You-This Allows One To Bring and cause Inner Peace
There exists an enormity of life's experiential encounters that teach and reveal to us that a person can only cope with things or situations when they are present, front and center, not before they occur.
Because, to seize the moment, you must be in the moment. Moreover, while in the presence of the moment, it shall always have the proclivity to provide the resources and energy needed to deal with situations of insecurity.    

At the end of the day, in order, to connect to the disappearance of insecurity feelings.  Take a listen to the way 'Birds of the Air', Flowers and Lillies of the fields have the innate blessed ability to cope.
When you fully get a clear understanding and comprehend their approach.

This shall bring forth and allow one to live in the present, one moment-at-a-time. Therefore, I must tell you, "do not be anxious about life, look at the 'Birds of the Air', consider the Lillies of the Fields' {MT 6:5}

Steve Braxton, Author non-fiction books, Global Internet Blogger, & Certified Intervention/Prevention Crisis Counselor & Practitioner