Friday, January 8, 2021


Fastened & The focus of BEING HEALTHY Part II


Examples of healthy foods and ‘Good Fats’

Foods with good fats, ingredients not only help you stay healthy

but it also keeps you feeling full and satisfied. Healthy high fats

are wonderful ways to incorporate more flavor, satisfaction and

and nutrition in meals and snacks.


Fat make food taste better by intensifying the flavor, which also

provides energy and is rich in nutrients as fiber and protein. We hear

a lot of insights, Intel used that refer to unsaturated fats. There are

two types such as:

·        Monounsaturated fats: which are among the healthiest of all

Fats. Such testaments are certified by Dana Hunnes, Ph.D., Sr.

Dietitian at UCLA Medical Center. She goes on to tell that

monounsaturated fats help develop and maintain cells and

help lower your LDL cholesterol levels

·        Polyunsaturated fats: the two main types are omega-3 & omega

·        Omega 6 fatty acid which are essentials fats for many functions of


In addition, Tran’s fats raise the LDL cholesterol while it lowers HDL

Cholesterol, which helps keep blood vessels clear. Saturated fats is a

little more complicated, in that; it’s considered bad for you, due in

part, being  derived from animals, as Beef, Pork and Lamb, as well

as fried foods.


While the topic is still being discussed by the AHA and USDA guide

lines, as the AHA do still recommend limiting the intake of saturated fats

and opt-out for the consumption of monounsaturated and poly unsat-

urated  fats instead.


Good Fats Foods:

Avocados, contain about 21 grams of fats, and is bursting in fiber

Walnuts, is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Almonds, possess about 15 grams of fat and are rich in Vitamin E

Olives, rich in fat and flavor

Olive Oil, extra virgin; for cooking and sprinkling on salads and other

Foods, it is a tremendous source of healthy fats

Ground Flaxseeds, a great source of omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids,

contains both insoluble and soluble fiber, good for feeling satiated

digestive health, stabilizing blood sugar, and constipation. You can

sprinkled on salads and blend in smoothies



 Benefits of Potassium:

It is one of the most important minerals found in the body. It helps

to regulate fluid balance muscle contraction and nerve signals. A high

Potassium the intake shall serve to reduce blood pressure and water

retention, protect against strokes and prevent osteoporosis and

kidney stones


Symptoms of low potassium-common signs are weakness, cramps

and stiffness, tingles and numbness, and digestive symptoms

·        Lungs may not expand and contract properly

·        Resulting in shortness of  breath

·        May cause the heart to beat abnormally

·        Resulting in less blood flow to other parts of the body

·        Deficiency in potassium, mood swing, and mental fatigue

·        Could cause deterring optimal brain function


Foods that are excellent sources of Potassium:

·         Beets and Beet juice and cooked green top of beets

·        Baked Yams, Baked Irish Potato, Baked Sweet Potato

·        Avocados, Bananas, Cooked Pinto Beans

·        Salmon, wild caught-Alaskan, and Tuna, wild-caught


Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Lifestyle Change Counselor & Practitioner,

Freelance Writer & Blogger, Author of Non-fiction books, memoirs &

and Poetic Stanza Verse-A recent winner, Poetry Nation’s National Poetic

completion for Wonderful Verse Poem {01/21}












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