Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts for the Day

The blood of Jesus is not only, substantive, objective and cleansing for our sins, but the blood is also subjective for our sins as well. The blood of the lamb-its indeed, among all else, cleansing for all that ails us.
It is inherit in the incarnate: The Lord is Omnipotent>The Cross and the Blood bears major significance in the life of all of humanity.

Jesus did not; does not; nor will he come; to condemn, but to teach and correct...the correction-of-thoughts
>he orders our steps
>He directs our path
>he reveals our purpose
>he enhance, inspire and augment our passion

Ultimately, it is the steps unto our path that shall give impetus to see clearly beyond the horizon.
He exposes Satan-the Devil for who he is: It shows that Satan always loses-even when he thinks
he has won. It confirms that God is...the one who has translated the Kingdom of Darkness, into
the Kingdom of Light, and no one can stand against him, not even the devil. who once was one of his avenging angels, prior to falling from the presence of God. So, I say to you: "Be strong in the Lord and in his
mighty power", Put on the full armor God. (Ephesians 6:10-11)
Reverend Steve Braxton
Author: The Road That Is Difficult To Travel
Marketplace Outreach Ministries, Inc
Oak Brook, IL 60522

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