Friday, June 26, 2020


-And the truth shall set you free-freedom and liberation is available to thee

“You  know how; from when you were a child;  you were taught the Holy Scriptures; and it is these that make you wise to accept God’s salvation by trusting in Jesus Christ” { 2 Timothy 3:15}

Therefore, it shall be prudent and wise to begin this narrative discourse to touch and agree, and/or disagree. The whole BIBLE was given to specific people in ancient times, as an “Inspired Word” from God. And it served to be a useful tool for teaching them and each of us; about what is true. In so doing, it may make us realize what is ‘Wrong’ in theirs and our lives; as we take heed; it can be the ‘Wisdom’ to straighten us out, and help to do what is ‘Right’

Again, to reiterate; that The Whole BIBLE is God’s Inspired Word. Why? Because it is inspired and trustworthy:
·         We should read it very carefully
·         With the Focus and Intent of applying  it to our lives
·         When we do it can help us in every situation we encounter in our daily spiritual walk
·         It is a standard for the ‘Test’ to get us through the ‘Mess’ we sometimes find ourselves
·         It becomes the standard  for the  “Fact Check” for testing everything else that claims to be true
·         It is our SafeGuard against false teaching, and our Source of Guidance of how we should live, regardless of circumstances
·         Being that The BIBLE is ‘God Inspired Word’, it is the Only Choice, Hope and Source of Knowledge we should strive and be steadfast to live our lives by;
·         During the Old Testament time, God revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses Noah, etc., for relational-ship building and development, and it still rings true in these Modern Times in the Free World, Today
·         Yes, God wants to show us, even today, what is true, so that he can Equip and Empower us to live in Righteous Ways to serve him best.
·         When we listen and adhere to the message, it shall empower us to spend more time in The Word; to learn about God’s ‘Truth’, His ways, His Desires, and  most of all ‘His Will’
·         As we Go Forth, we shall become More Confident in our Faith, Belief, and Trust
·         We Become staunch, steadfast and Un-moveable in the following  categories:

Both in the face of opposition and persecution.  Know that God honors our confidence, even when we suffer. He helps us to get over the fears we face of what people might say or do. Be resolve to take our eyes off of the people, and look only to God

Think about this: Jesus put forth the Ultimate Faithfulness when he was crucified and died on the cross for our sins. As Followers of Jesus The Christ, we can count on opposition, suffering and hardship. That become the tried and true faithfulness as  having an effect on others, as we trust Jesus Christ, he counts us worthy to suffer and shall provide the strength we need to be steadfast on the journey

A Reminder, always instills in those that are encountered on the journey, that it’s a duty to witness and evangelize to others. We must prepare them to pass on God’s Word to others, as well. We should be both vigilant and diligent in ways to become better equipped to serve, as well as, for ways to teach and mentor others what we have learned. Therein lies Abundant Blessings

Beware of the Anti-Christ and false teachings
The deception and false teaching will surely come, and those of us who are disciplined must be ready to reject errors by knowing God’s Inspired Word. What are the dangers of deceptive teaching and false teaching? They are destined to be made manifest The Sword of the Word you need is the scriptures at the beginning of this article [2 Timothy 3:14-17}, this is Truth to straightened them out, and to get away from the Wrong, and turn unto the Right ways of the Truth of God, In the name of Jesus The Christ.

Steve Braxton, Ordained Minister, Consecrated, the order of the Bishopric, of COGIC, Presiding Bishop, National Clergy Fellowship, and Founder, Marketplace Outreach Ministries, Inc.,
7301 W. 25th Street, Ste. 204, North Riverside, Illinois 60546 (Text 708-295-7080}

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