Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Right Foods Consumption: TO BE HEALTHY
 If you have a desire to treat, prevent, live with, and/or Reverse a Chromic Life-threatening Disease…

The Key Component is: LIFESTYLE CHANGE {details of right foods see FB, page as noted below}

I want to begin this post by sharing a traumatic situation that actually happened to me. And by the bestowal of God’s mercy, his grace, provisions, and my being faithful and obedient to his edits of instructions. I was able to survive, overcome adversity, and thrive to live a reasonably comfortable life.

Being a former Vietnam Veteran, while I was serving on a Naval Ship in the Combat War Zone in the Blue Coastal Waters off the Coast of Vietnam. I was, unfortunately, exposed to the Dangerous Mustard Gas, known as the Herbicide Agent Orange. When such exposure is encountered it renderers the life of those it touches to an enormity of Life-Threatening Diseases. Such as, to name a few:
·        Type II diabetes, High blood pressure, Pain & The inflammation of Joints, i.e. Osteoarthritis, Neuropathy, Nerve Ending disease or Chronic Arthritis conditions
·        Heart attacks, Strokes, Diverticulosis, & Erectile dysfunction
·        Eyes, and Hearing impairment
Of the afore-mentioned diseases, I was a victim of most; some I have been able to reverse and others I am treating and living with. I am happy to share a major break-through that of reversing type II diabetes, which was done with a steadily regiment and routine practice of a Lifestyle Change program. How did I start? I am Glad you ask…LOL

Key Component: Lifestyle Change: Consists of eating “Right Foods”

At least 90% of what you eat should be Plant-based:
·        Start with a healthy breakfast, the most important meal. Never miss a good healthy breakfast {Oatmeal w/walnuts, fruits, Cereals w/fiber, A smoothie is good w/frozen Blueberries, strawberries, Mango, mixed with protein greens
·        Big Green Leafy Salad every day w/romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, slices of  apples and red grapes, avocado & vignette dressing
·        Lots of other veggies, cooked greens, beans {red, black, pinto},
·        Whole grain, nuts, seeds {sesame, pistachios, cashews} peanut butter
·        Brown Rice, red roasted potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage
Sources of nitrates;
The body needs nitrates, the biological message is; “open sesame” it opens up the ceiling lining of your arteries for healthy blood flow, In a word “nitric oxide’ you get it from greens and beets. One of the riches Nitrates comes from Beet Juice. Other sources for top nitrates:
·        Beet green, Basil, Swiss chard, butter leaf lettuce, cilantro & Arugula

Other Additional Veggies:
·        Squash, Broccoli, Cauliflower, leeks
·        Green onions, Bell peppers, Red potatoes, Garlic

Herbs and Spices:
·        Garlic Celery salt, cumin, Accent, Ginger
·        Oregano, turmeric, thyme, rosemary, Cayenne pepper

Whole grain:
·        Brown rice, Steel oats, quinoa,

·        Green tea, w/mango, w/ginger, peppermint tea
·        Apple juice, Cran-apple juice
·        Soy milk, Skim milk
·        Water, Al Kaline
·        Cardio
·        Power walk
·        Stretching

Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Lifestyle Change Practitioner, Cloth-of-the-Clergy, I remain your Motivator, Encourager, and Inspirer, Lifestyle Change@fit031, 

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