Wednesday, July 3, 2024


The Intestinal Vicissitudes And Fortitudes of “The Truth”-That Is...

The real authentic “Truth” so help me God requires a great deal of ‘front of Mind Consciousness’. Such that embodies an essential element of genuine and authentic preparedness. Especially, when in the elements and the idiom within the consideration of Honesty, Integrity, and Trustworthiness. Which can be received and believed by those who upholds such beliefs and permits the instant occurrence to be complicit.

While I lament this narrative utterance concerning the truth, it can be, at times; somewhat difficult. It being so; due to the indifference of the ultra conservatives sleeping masses, that is in need of a “wake up call’. Due to the current pervasive atmosphere we find ourselves. Which is the prevailing attitude that is not open, and dare not allow or permit the truth into the perspective of “front of mind conscious psyche. 

Therefore, it is most important to always be cognizant of such matters of the difficulty to encourage the leaning toward the ‘truth’. During these instances of occurrences it is imperative to glean and grasp a focus in the direction of clear and concise ‘discernment’. Which shall tend to serve as ‘key insight and intel’ for the totality of genuine, and authentic proof of ‘The Truth’, indeed.

I would be remiss if I do not comment of the recent June 27, 2024 presidential debate, or lack thereof, Which was   between Donald Trump and The Sitting US president Joe Biden. We all know that Joe missed the mark in his delivery. In spite of missing the mark in presentation and delivery-he did manage to connect to and stay in tune with “The Truth”.

President Joe Biden held on to Ideals of Authentic and Genuineness:

His Dreams Hope and Aspirations for the people

Beliefs & Value Systems for the self interest of all Americans

Systems of Strategies and processes of achievement for the economy that is real, and true

Sensible behavior, skill s and creativity in the interest of the people

Unselfish tracts and attitude that’s  helpful to and for all

I Dare Say, when it comes to Donald Trump- There Are No Words of “Truth” Such narrative utterance of the ‘truth’ is Woefully Missing”

Steve Braxton, Freelance Blogger, Critical Writer, Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator

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