Wednesday, July 24, 2024


To All my Friends on FB and Followers on Linkedin or any other Social Media sites

I am taking the time to express these positive knowing thoughts to Encourage, Uplift, and Inspire you if you’ve experienced a recent situation or a type of hardship that has happened to you and/or a family member:

I say to you that as encouragement, where there has been pain, strive to embrace comfort. When anger has raised its ugly head, grasp Patience and Peace. When there is despair, reach out to Hope and God’s Mercy and God's Glory. When doubt appears, Think about Choices that are available, such as Belief, Faith & Trust in God. Know that God shall release a renewed Confidence of Spiritual Awareness of Deep Inner Peace. Such shall be a connection to that place of “Contentment”-Thus which is The Ultimate Peace Of The Lord. Amen...

Steve Braxton, Founder & CEO, Marketplace Ministries, Inc., & National Clergy Fellowship Initiative, Life Coach, Global Blogger, Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator

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