Saturday, March 30, 2024

 PROTESTORS Interrupted President Biden During Radio City Music Hall Conversation with His Predecessors Obama and Clinton March 30, 2024

Such Disruptions are not all that surprising, given that many of President Biden’s events have seen hecklers calling for a cease-fire on the Israel-Hamas war. This time one of the protestors was yelling an enormity of discourse narratives of obscenities about a nuclear war with Russia, while others were interrupting over the situation in Gaza. At this moment, Obama was speaking, and he snapped back at the Protestor with this narrative utterance of words and comments:

“You Can’t Just Talk and Not Listen...that’s what the other side does”-He added. “We can understand, that there is a possibility to have moral clarity and have deeply held beliefs, but still recognize that the world is complicated and also hard to solve these problems”

Obama continued, “The reason that I think that Joe was one of the best Vice Presidents we’ve ever had, and I think he has been an understanding President as well, it is because he has moral conviction and clarity. But he’s also willing to listen to both sides in this debate and every other debate to try and see if we can find common ground. That’s the kind of president I want and the kind that the country, nation, and the world needs”

President Clinton added, “What happened was job growth under President Trump was slower than it was under President Obama. But the people didn’t feel it. It takes a while to feel it. So then Trump came along and claimed everything, and then all of a sudden Joe Biden came along and created roughly twice as many jobs. So I believe in keeping score, not in a vindictive way but in a positive way. He’s been good for America and he deserves another term.

President Biden added “There have been so many victims, Israelis and Palestinians. We’ve got to get more food, medicine, and supplies into the Palestinians. But we cannot forget Israel is in a position where its very existence is at stake. And remember, All of those who were not just killed-they were massacred, really brutally massacred!

President Biden, further stipulated that he’s working with the Saudis and the other Arab countries, which includes Egypt, Jordan, and Qatar. “They are prepared to fully recognize Israel...for the first time. But there has to be a Post Gaza Plan. And there has to be training for a two-state solution”. He added, “It does not need to happen immediately, but over time there has to be a period of progression, and I think that can be accomplished”

By The way, This event at Radio City Music was a very successful Fundraising campaign. The event ended up bringing in in excess of $26 Million Dollars.

Steve Braxton, Critical Writer, Social Media Contributing Blogger, Former Moderator & convener for the Presidential Commission For Small Business Conferences The Clinton Admin, Member of Faith-Based Consortium-The Obama Admin

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