Thursday, March 14, 2024


Compassion and empathy are two interrelated terms that, while they are sometimes used interchangeably, have distinctly different meanings.

Empathy is putting oneself in someone’s place. Which co-notes that one can feel what might be feeling of another in a similar situation

However, on the other hand, Compassion is more about recognizing someone’s emotions and having a desire to help them cope


Involves Sympathy & concern for suffering for someone else

Action & help behaviors for others

Creates and Inspire positive feelings

Creates prosocial motivation

Altruistic response to suffering


Feeling the emotions of others

Leads to understanding

May inspire negative feelings

Can sometimes create withdrawal behaviors

Affective response to suffering

Both compassion and empathy can sometimes be a bit overwhelming when it comes to being exposed to situational encounters of emotions for prolonged periods. This can cause burnout exhaustion due to chronic emotional physical mental stress. Also, compassion can lead to a type of burnout called “’ ‘compassion fatigue’. This can err on the side of emotional and physical exhaustion, which can cause reduced feelings of empathy, increased cynicism, detachment, emotional numbness, and apathy

Steve Braxton, Behavioral Modification Counselor & Practitioner, specializing in crisis prevention/intervention w/concentration on stress, anxiety, and depression, former associate Pastor, Progressive Community Center The Peoples Church, and Serves as Senior Pastor, United Church of Hyde Park, Chicago, IL 

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