Sunday, July 23, 2023

 Intuition and Intellect; Comparable or Different?

The mindful conscious school of thought is a constant to suggest to go with the gut. Such a suggestion is all about the will to follow that feeling because it is supposed to be all about trusting our intuition. Which infers that those instructive feelings and emotions, which occur within us without any intellectual reasoning. However, the late Steve Jobs, creator of Apple Innovations, had a different mindful thought of consciousness about intuition.

His belief was that intuition is a powerful tool that guides important decisions which serves and leads to innovative ideas. In his work at Apple and his personal life. Steve Jobs always made an intentional effort to prioritize intuition over intellect. Because he said, of its ability to lead him to unexpected outcomes. And his proof is in the pudding of the Apple innovation.

Jobs steadfastly, touted that his approach never let him down. With such cutting and leading-edge innovation, that should be an encouragement to us that we give rise to trust in our instincts. It might be both wise and prudent to let intuition be the driving force to augment and enhance our personal, professional growth and development.

The moral insights and Intel to be aware of; is that Intuition is a very powerful indomitable force more powerful than Intellect.

Steve Braxton, Mentor, Executive Life Coach, Blogger, and Author of Non-Fiction Books, Memoirs, Poetic verse stanza sbrax57@g

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