Thursday, January 27, 2011

Be Resolve to utter the words-"I Shall, I Will, I Must"

In Life; it is important to note: that if you intend to be positioned, to come along side others to help them, then you Shall, you Will, and you Must, embrace the art and practice of  "preparedness". Moreover, as you walk, think, and operate in that consciousness be aware of these indelible utterances:

I Must, I Will, I Shall be Resolve:
>to be strong in the face of weakness
>to be brave in the face of fear
>its a must to persist in the face of failure...
>I am resolve to stand again no matter how many times I fall
>there is no other option!!
>I shall follow my path no matter how often I lose my way
>I must live my dream no matter what obstacles stand before me
>I am resolve to "trust in God"
>I am resolve to be mighty, equipped and empowered
>I am resolve to be bold-in him
>I am resolve to be steadfast...
I am grateful to him for all that I am...
And for for all-that I am yet to become
I thank him for who; and whom; I am, and whose I belong to...

For it is; of the goodness of the great, "I am"...
Albeit, I am made in his likeness-I am; yet evolving..
To reach my fullest potential-while working in my purpose;
As I am-yet becoming...all I am intended to be...
As I go forth!, Yes it is he; who is sending me forth..
While, I'm still yet, committed and focused on kingdom things
The goal is within my grasp-as I am going forth-buttress with "inspired persistence"

Steve Braxton
-Author: The Road That Is Difficult To Travel

Monday, January 24, 2011

Walk into your season, sometimes boldly,,other times gently

In due season, we all have a reason to walk into our season. And its ok to do it without fear. When we do, we learn how to grow, develop, and maturate. Yes, you will encounter spiritual warfare on the sojourn. Not to fear, but move steadfast to overcome, as you are challenged, while experiencing the "valley of life" encounters. I know we all look forward to that mountain top encounter. But it shall be the valley of life experience, that will refine, equip,and empower you to meet the many obstacles and conflict that await you on the journey.We know that God may not always be early, but nor is he never late. The comforter, though, is whenever he comes, he's always on time. All the blessings we yearn and thirst for; will come to us; when we learn to, "have faith" while we wait.

When you, I, we, are lost and discouraged
And there seem to be no hope in sight;
We must turn our cares and concerns to the God of our heart;
And his love will let the "spirit" take flight.

Steve Braxton
Author: "The Road That Is Difficult To Travel"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We as a people-need to curtail the rhetoric that may lead to violence

You know, in the genre of biblical Hermeneutics it is revealed that each of us, if we have any semblance of faith and are genuinely conscious, and concerned, about humanity. We should practice the art of exiting for others. And for that, an abundance of blessings shall be bestowed upon the faithful ones. That being said, its so very important for those-who are highly visible and is considered to be respected, revered, perceived leaders; to make the attempt and the appearance to be responsible citizens. Therefore, it becomes incumbent upon the highly visible perceived leaders, to be cosign ant of what is said and/or done in public view for the sake of all humanity. It becomes imperative for leaders, whether local, regional, national, or international-at all cost, to strive and portray a civil, and 'fair justice type of mantra' of behavioral actions. It shall be my hope, and prayer, that most of the highly visible leaders do not, come of as single-minded, self-serving, insensitive, selfish, and arrogant person, needless to say, this will not earn any points in the public eye. As a matter-of-fact, this will have the propensity for leading to danger-as we just witness in Arizona with the senseless injuries and fatalities during a political event in a public domain. However, I hasten to add, there are still good descent people afoot who are seeking unity, harmony, and have the well being of humanity as their focus. Let's continue to pray that increasing numbers of people embodied with that sort of consciousness shall prevail and continue to emerge, evolve, and thrive, in the society across the country, the nation and the world. In regards to the tongue being used as a vicious tool, again biblical passage, fore warns; that the tongue can be a cruel weapon, such  unkind rhetoric through the use of the tongue,can be as dangerous as a two edge sword-cutting both ways. This will surely lend itself to stirring-up a mess-alleviating the opportunity for one to be blessed. So, let's focus on resisting the temptations and actions and set our sights on things that will diminish, eradicate, and/or alleviate random acts of violence. This shall be a noble cause to rally around and and will preserve the longevity of the legacy of life, for  the mature person, youth and young adults; to maturate, discover their pre-ordained purpose and reach their full potential that God intended for them to become.
God Bless You All
Reverend Steve Braxton
Minister, Counselor, & life Coach
Author: "The Road That Is Difficult To Travel"

Friday, January 7, 2011

Top 10 Healthy Foods for the Heart-practice a good Cardiovascular Routine

Many people commit to new years resolutions that involves a lifestyle change to stay healthy, and practice effective wellness habits-to be consciousness of good fitness routines. To aids your good practices and healthy habits. I am going to suggest a list of "right foods" that will help those of you who want to change your lifestyle and make a good effort at staying healthy. While doing so; you can also feed the heart, lower high blood pressure, and help manage cholesterol better. All of the foods listed below is high in omega-3 content and the ingredients that will make your heart very happy.

Top 10 Right Foods for a Healthier Heart:
1. Hot bowl of Oatmeal in the morning (top with raisins, walnuts and sometime add slice of bananas)
2. Salmon, wild is best vs farm raised (at least 2x per week)
3. Scallopini salad w/almonds (can also saute w/Olive oil, add shrimps green onions and broccoli)
4. Avocado (have it on a sandwich or in a salad)
5. Nuts:walnuts, almonds, cashews (have them as a snack w/dried fruits, raisin, cranberries,etc)
6. Berries, Frozen or fresh (Strawberry, Rash berry and Blueberry) Eat by mouth or blend in smoothies
7. Legumes: black beans, kidney beans and lentil soup (have with brown rice)
8. Spinach, fresh steamed or in a green salad w/cherry tomatoes and green leafy Romain lettuce
9. Flax seeds, in Salads, or in Oatmeal or Cold Cereal
10. Soy Milk, drink by mouth, in Oatmeal, Cold Cereal and in blended smoothies
Note: Strive to make this a daily routine in your New Years Lifestyle Changes
You will feel &  fair much better for it, and your Heart will 'love it" and thank you. This will help you avoid'
>heart attack
>high blood pressure
>manage cholesterol better
I wish, hope, and pray, a very healthy and nutritional lifestyle for you in 2011
This will help you maturate into full potential just before leaving for heaven..
May the goodness and the blessings of the Lord be with you, always..
Steve Braxton
Life Coach, Wellness & Fitness Adviser, Minister