Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 ALERT! FYI:To my FB Fam, Friends, Community Leaders, and all the participants of the Annual Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change who are followers on FB and the Linkedin/in/ Site. Last week I shared a post of Positive Knowing Thoughts to serve as “Encouragement”. Today I am having a ‘Heart of Hearts’ feeling to share a similar post to uplift and encourage. This post shall be called:”The Sovernity Of The Creator-Inspire Self To Only Believe.

Know That Jesus was put to death-for our deeds

He was Resurrected {raised] to secured our Justification

In the process He Absolved us from guilt before God

Such is all about embracing ‘Faith’

Thus, through ‘Faith’ we can tap into and connect to the

Kingdom of God

There where Jesus sits at the right hand of the Heavenly Father.

So that we as believers are equipped to extend this in all of the Earth, as we witness and evangelize

Jesus promised us that by ‘Faith’ we can have greater powers

As Believers we must reach out to grasp and embrace it

So let’s Go Forth! in His name and make it a manifestation

Because it is Jesus’s desire that we Be Not concerned with alarm or struck with fear-Why? He is Emmanuel ‘God With Us'

We must be cognizant to only believe and to keep on trusting and believing in Him...

Thus it is wise and prudent to hold unto Belief. “Fear tolerated is Faith compromised”. Therefore, Keep up, and be focused to know that the Lord is thy Shepherd. Ultimately meaning you, me, and all believers shall not lack for nothing-thus leaves no stone unturned or a reason to ‘fear’, Amen...

Steve Braxton, founder & CEO, Marketplace Ministries, Inc, and National Clergy Fellowship initiative, Life Coach, Storyteller, Narrator & Orator, Enshrined in The Chicago History Museum, Hall Of Fame 2016

Saturday, July 27, 2024


-Key steps to avoid and steps to engaged 

If you have a desire to slow the aging process. The key noted steps below will allow you to ‘reclaim’ your health and achieve overall ideal body persona. It Shall be a process that is closely akin to having a splash of cold water upon you and a touch of old school ‘honest touch’


1. Avoid low fats diet approach. I know it’s been fed to you for a craze of decades. However, know that ‘fats’ are not to be feared. Why? Because fats helps the body to Regenerate Power Hormones, and testosterone, which serves as a direct result of Cholesterol and dietary fat intake. This is what the body needs to produce ‘Vital Hormones’

2. Stop Running in Circles, that too may sound strange and a little crazy. You got to cease the use of treadmills, and stop running, Why? It does very little to reverse the aging process, as a matter of fact;it accelerate the aging process. It does so, by increasing ‘free radicals’. Which are scavengers that ‘prey’ on body essentials, nutrients and tissues

3. Quit pointing the finger of shame and blame on how old you’re seemly are feeling. Because you are not fat due to your age. But rather it due to what you eat, how you think-it must be how not to feel ‘Old & Fat’. The first ‘key step’ get away from negative naysayers, in your circle of influence.  It’s a must to surround yourself with vibrant positive thinkers, like yourself who absolutely ‘crave a challenge’. It shall be the challenge that will change your cognitive mindfulness to do and be, and have better cognizant thoughts toward keeping you feeling young, being happy, and using best challenges to take better control of your body, and your overall persona for an ongoing healthy lifestyle

4. Avoid ‘Chronic Dehydration’ You must drink plenty of water. Why? Because, water burns fat, water suppresses hunger pangs, water renew your skin, water will take off years from your facial countenance in a matter of a few weeks. In addition, as the fat will drop off, you will gain more energy, your kidney and liver will be saved from chronic overwork. Know This, when the kidneys are taxed from too little water, your liver will step in and take over, not good, do not want that to happen. Because, the liver is the number one ‘fat burning’ organ of the body. Therefore, you want to avoid at all cost having the liver take on an extra job of processing liquids and toxins, but rather stay with it’s main job of burning fat. Keep The water flowing through the body. Drink at least 8-10 glasses each day. It Will Keep the body looking younger, younger and younger

5. Work Out Routine- it’s very important to have a good routine 2-3, or even 4 times a week. The results: look younger, the body is most toned with the least amount of unwanted fats. The work-out routine should consist of the following: For Mobility, walking, Biking, and step machine. Other types of exercises, Squats: lower body, hamstring,glute. Bench Press & Incline Bench Press: Dumbbells 5 Lbs, 10 Lbs, up to 20 Lbs.  Chest Press Machine. Triceps, Biceps, Shoulder Press. Suggestion: various machines: 4 sets of ten reps of each exercise machine. 

Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Lifestyle Change Practitioner, Convener & Facilitator for The Annual Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change, consists of 40 days of meditation, prayer, reading of  biblical passages the main focus on the Book of Daniel Chapter one 

Friday, July 26, 2024

 Incisive Quote Trump is proclaiming on the ‘Campaign Trail’ 2024

"Get out and vote just this time-you want have to do it anymore

Four more years and it will be fixed-it will be fine...

You won’t have to vote anymore-we will have it fixed so good

Your not gonna have to vote again...

My Beautiful Christians -I love you Christians- I’m not a Christian

Get out and vote, you Gotta get out and vote-just this one more time" {Spoken by Donald Trump on the campaign stump}

Edited and shared by Steve Braxton,Freelance/Critical Writer & Hall of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


To All my Friends on FB and Followers on Linkedin or any other Social Media sites

I am taking the time to express these positive knowing thoughts to Encourage, Uplift, and Inspire you if you’ve experienced a recent situation or a type of hardship that has happened to you and/or a family member:

I say to you that as encouragement, where there has been pain, strive to embrace comfort. When anger has raised its ugly head, grasp Patience and Peace. When there is despair, reach out to Hope and God’s Mercy and God's Glory. When doubt appears, Think about Choices that are available, such as Belief, Faith & Trust in God. Know that God shall release a renewed Confidence of Spiritual Awareness of Deep Inner Peace. Such shall be a connection to that place of “Contentment”-Thus which is The Ultimate Peace Of The Lord. Amen...

Steve Braxton, Founder & CEO, Marketplace Ministries, Inc., & National Clergy Fellowship Initiative, Life Coach, Global Blogger, Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator

Friday, July 19, 2024

 IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE RNC 2024 POLITICAN DIATRIBE EVENT for the previous 4 days in Wisconsin

The question of concern is the ‘focus’ of the GOP LEADERSHIP toward ‘we the people’. We heard an array of ultra narrative utterances and proclamations in the Genre of ‘Make America Great Again’-MAGA.  

After such an enormities of narrative utterance of the MAGA proclamations. I am compelled to reflect on the ‘Mindfulness Thought of Consciousness, that errs on the side of this  New Biblical Testament as follows: “And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Charity, that which is love, and the greatest of these is ‘Love’ {1 Corin 13:13}

If Those who pretend to be leaders of the ‘Free World’ could speak in the tongues of multiple languages to men, women, and children in the presence of angels; but have not love, the results would only be the noise, and gong of clashing cymbals. Even if they possess the gift of prophecy and could fathom all mysteries and knowledge, and if they had faith that could move mountains, but have not love, God would render and consider it to be nothing. Even being very wealthy, they gave away all of their possessions to the poor and needy-but not done in love. Nothing would be gained

There seems to be a misconception in today’s upper-level society, which confuses love and lust. However, truth be told unlike lust God’s kind of love is directed outwardly towards others, not inwardly toward oneself. Which renders it to be utterly unselfish

What Is Love? I am pleased that you asked.

Love is patient and kind does not envy-it does not boast

Love is not proud-Nor is it rude-And it is not self-serving or Self-seeking

Not easily angered-It keeps no record of wrongdoings

Love always protects-Always trusts, perseveres, and gives hope 

Love never fails- It does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. Amen...

Steve Braxton, Founder & CEO of Marketplace Ministries, Inc. & National Clergy Fellowship Outreach, Critical Writer, Global Blogger, Storyteller, Narrator & Orator, Convener & Facilitator of The Annual Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change 40 days of Meditation, Prayer, Fasting and Scriptural Reading of Mood settling Passages that help to Seek Inner Peace.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

 Theology-Christology-Numerology Insights, Intel, Interpretation, and Proclamation in varied categories:





The reference Study of Father God gives rise and divine details of theology proper as it provides and discusses God’s omnipresence & omniscience. It teaches about who God is, and what he does. Also provides the focus on how God The Father is the first person of the Triune Godhead, and is distinct from God The Son and the Holy Spirit. {Rom 11:33}


It concerns Jesus and all of His works during His journey with the Twelve. The focus is on His Ministry and Relations to the Holy Trinity and Mankind. It concerns in totality His Nature and bountiful works He performed. To include the Incarnation, Resurrection, and His Human Divine Nature of Relationships. A Theological Interpretation of the Person-Jesus, and His Works of Healing, Miracles, and the Performance of Divine Signs and Wonders


The most often biblical numbers referred to are 3,7,8,& 40. #3, divine perfection for trinity connection, father, son, and Holy Spirit, #7, completion, #8, new beginning, and #40 understood to be probation, or trial People were made to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, as to the spent 40 days praying in the mountain area 


Is Jesus the Son of God?

Not in the sense of how we think of Father & Son in modern times

I.e. Husband & Wife marriage. But He is the Son Of God made manifest in Divine Human Placement with the Virgin Mary {John 1:1,14}


Jesus was divinely placed in the womb of the Virgin Mary. There was no umbilical cord, no naval string, no birth cord connection between Jesus and Mary. You See the funiculus umbilical cord between the developing embryo or fetus placenta-Did Not Exist WHY? Because God Miraculously  Placed baby Jesus In The Womb of The Virgin Mary This is Closely akin to God breathing Life into the body of Adam the Breath Of Life- And Adam became a living and breathing soul, Amen 


Steve Braxton, Founder &CEO, Marketplace Outreach Ministries, and National Clergy Fellowship Initiative, Author of Non-Fiction Books and National Award Winning Best Poet of 2022-23, National Library of Congress Cataloging Publication data, ISBN Number 978-1-60880-746-8



The awareness of the environmental atmosphere is in total disarray and kayos. A meticulous strategy for civility, freedom, and liberation is a must for ‘We The People’ to continue in existence to survive, and to be safe and protected.

In reflective mode I surmise that ‘We The People’ of faith should be concerned about those who say so much; of what God says so little about; while saying so little about what God really says.

Therefore, in my heart, I am concerned, troubled, and somewhat worried about the vehicle of faith being used by some to serve up hate, fear, racism, and greed. Especially, when it comes to the subject of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Equality. in the Political Arena right now

My mindful thoughts of consciousness during such experiential encounters hold a strident focus on the Biblical Passage: “The Repairer Of The Breach” {Isaiah 58:12} “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places; thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations, and thou shall be called The Repairer Of The Breach. The restorer of the path to dwell therein”.  

Thus to say it out loud and make it plain, The process is to rebuild the long deserted ruins of the community, city, and neighborhoods, and The Repairer Of The Breach comes to be known as,” The People Who Rebuild The Walls in the Cities”

Such Civil Mindfulness Becomes the goal of justice in Democracy. Allowing all to stand together as a revolution of value to grasp and embrace ‘Right vs Wrong’. Which serves as a time to revive the heart of our Democracy, and renew the justice and criminal system. Then at this juncture, the narrative of proclamation can be: “We Are The Revision For The Healing of the Democracy of The Land

In Conclusion, this shows a measure of efforts to ‘Fight For Peace’ This shall provide restoration for safety and protection, Thus fighting the NRA to eliminate the Gunfire Weapon AR-15 Rifle that shall save lives in the community of the cities. In the end, such can serve to satisfy the consciousness of the mind to select and help for the Discernment of:

Wealth & Work-Knowledge & Character-Science & Humanity

Politics & Principle-Worship & Sacrifice-Commerce & Morality

Pleasure & Conscience-Fight for Freedom & Struggle for Justice

Steve Braxton, Founder/CEO Marketplace Outreach Ministries, Inc

Sunday, July 14, 2024


This is an approach to help balance The Mindful Thoughts of Consciousness.

Such ways could serve to maintain a ‘Healthy Balanced Mind’

The following are three Basic Habits, tried and proven, that could be a Most Effective Daily Routine:

The Morning Process, To start with; Take some notes, a diary of sorts; about the the details of your day, which could include some things like a hobby or sorts, or just your brainstorming about new ideas. Always strive to fill the mind with things that inspire and uplift. Such thoughts shall serve to generate ‘Good Energy’. Also maybe you might even consider listening to an insightful productive Podcast.

Midday Routine; that could be a catalyst for a type of ‘Inspiration’. To start with maybe read some good positive quotes from well-known leaders, authors, and writers. Also read a chapter from a favorite author or some biblical passages from the bible, for example, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Daniel, or The Gospels and/or The Book of Revelations

The Evening Creation; This will help you to strive and conclude the day with something that tends to empty the cognitive thoughts of the head from wanton wandering thoughts. At this juncture, it possibly would be good to take a ‘quiet walk’, to meditate with a strident focus ‘To Seek Inner Peace’. Take some time for reflection, to help clear the mind of non-sensecial mental clutter. Which clears the path to find and focus on the purpose, and to prepare oneself to be in the Genre for the ‘Dawning of the Day’.Thus to be in preparation for the ‘sunrise’ of tomorrow next new day

Of Course, you must know that this approach is a suggestion of a ‘rough plan of action’. You can take the liberty to make the necessary adjustments to be a comfortable best fit for your daily routine. In the end, as you navigate and balance the ‘Three Basic Habits’. It is my concern and hope that this shall keep your mind Fresh, Focused, and Ready To Clear The Clutter, and make space for Brilliance and a Manifestation of the Quotient Component to serve your best interest.

Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Freelance/Critical Writer, Hall of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator, Author, Non-Fiction Books, 

Friday, July 12, 2024

 A Good Focus For Those Who Get Older -Especially After Entering The Age of 65 to 70’s Chapter Of life

As we transition into our senior years, we often find ourselves embracing new freedoms and opportunities. However, it's essential to navigate this phase of life with care, as we navigate the understanding of the limitations that may come with aging. Here are some activities we as seniors should approach with caution:

1. Heavy Lifting and Straining

While staying active is crucial for maintaining health, we should avoid heavy lifting or straining ourselves excessively. Aging can lead to a decline in muscle mass and bone density, making seniors more prone to injuries such as strains, sprains, or fractures. Tasks like moving heavy furniture or lifting heavy objects should be approached cautiously or delegated to others.

2. It’s Absolutely A Must To Stop Ignoring Medical checkups

Regular medical check-ups become increasingly important with age. Seniors should not neglect appointments with healthcare providers, including routine screenings for conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or cancer. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve outcomes for many age-related health issues.

3. Do Not!, I Repeat, Do Not! Overlook Nutritional Needs

As we age, our nutritional needs change. Seniors should pay close attention to eating properly ensuring it includes sufficient nutrients while avoiding excessive calories, sodium, and sugar. Adequate hydration is also essential to support overall health and prevent dehydration, which can be more common as we age

4. Please!, Please!, Do Not Take Unsupervised Risks

Engaging in risky activities without supervision can be dangerous for seniors. This includes driving under risky conditions (such as at night or in inclement weather), attempting strenuous physical activities without proper guidance, or managing medications independently without consulting healthcare professionals.

5. By All Means Do Not Isolate Oneself Socially

Maintaining social connections is vital for mental and emotional well-being. Seniors should avoid isolating themselves from friends, family, or community activities. Loneliness and social isolation can contribute to depression and cognitive decline. Staying engaged in social activities, hobbies, or volunteering can significantly enhance quality of life.

Concluding Background Insight & Intel:

The concept of aging gracefully and staying healthy in one's senior years has been a topic of interest throughout history. In many ancient cultures, elderly individuals were revered for their wisdom and experience, and communities often placed great value on caring and nurturing for the elders, such narrative's proclamations continue even today

In modern times, with advancements in healthcare and lifestyle choices, people are living longer than ever before. This demographic shift has brought about a renewed focus on geriatric care and the importance of aging with dignity and vitality.

Today, more individuals are reaching the ages of 65 to 70 and beyond, even into the late 90’s or 100. There is a growing awareness of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with aging. By understanding the activities seniors should approach with caution. we can if we listen and follow good advice and take care to empower ourselves and others to lead fulfilling and healthy lives well into the golden years.

Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Freelance/Critical Writer, Global Blogger, Author of Non-Fiction Books and Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator

Friday, July 5, 2024


What did Jesus mean that “by your words you will be justified” (Matthew 12:37)?

by your words you will be justified

In Matthew 12:37, Jesus says, “By your words, you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned” (ESV). Here, Jesus makes a connection between our hearts and the words we speak.

Jesus said, “By your words you will be justified” in the context of addressing the Pharisees, who had just accused Him of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul (Matthew 12:27). Jesus uses this opportunity to teach on the connection between the Pharisees’ hearts and their words. Just as a tree is known by its fruit, people are known by their words. The idea is that words reveal the condition of our hearts: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (verse 34, ESV).

Words, then, are not insignificant. On the contrary, they are direct manifestations of what lies within our hearts. Since the Pharisees had spoken evil things about Jesus, they demonstrated the evil in their hearts. Radical conversion by the Holy Spirit is necessary to cleanse our hearts and make us new (John 3:35Titus 3:5). Following conversion, our words will “justify” us, i.e., our words will acquit us and demonstrate that we have been born again.

When Jesus says, “By your words, you will be justified” (NKJV), He is not saying that our words possess some kind of magical power to make us right before God. Rather, He is saying that God-glorifying words are evidence of saving faith. Just as fruit reveals the health of a tree, our words reveal the spiritual health of our hearts. In this way, pure, righteous, and holy speech demonstrates the genuineness of our faith. Conversely, if our words are evil, blasphemous, or deceitful, that is a sign we are not right with God.

Matthew 12:37 corresponds to several other biblical passages. For example, Proverbs 18:21 states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (ESV). Here, Solomon points out that words can either have a positive or negative impact. To use Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:37, words can either “acquit” or “condemn” us. Therefore, it is important for us to be mindful of how we use our words. Believers should always use their words to glorify God and edify others. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,” Paul says to the Ephesians, “but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29, ESV). James teaches that controlling the tongue is basic to godly living: “If we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way” (James 3:2, NLT).

Romans 10:9–10 also makes the connection between our hearts and our words: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved” (ESV). Confession, then, is an outward expression of saving faith, and it is by our words that we will be justified or shown to be genuine believers (Matthew 12:37).

Matthew 12:37 reminds us that words are significant because they reveal where we stand with God. If we have been justified by faith, then we will live and walk by the Spirit, producing good fruit, including good speech. If we are not in the right standing with God, then that, too, will be evident by our words (see Matthew 7:16).

Thursday, July 4, 2024


The woman told him:

“I'll get 6 eggs for 2.50 or I'll leave and get none.”

The old salesman replied:

“You can buy them at whatever price you want.” This is a good start for me because today I haven't sold a single egg and I have to sell everything to feed my family.

She bought these eggs at the price she wanted and left feeling like she had won.

She got into her nice car and went to a fancy restaurant with her boyfriend.

She and her friend ordered what they wanted. They ate little and left most of what they ordered.

She was given a bill of €180. The woman left a whopping €200 and told the owner of the elegant restaurant that the rest was a tip.

This story might seem normal enough for the chef of a luxury restaurant, but very unfair to the egg seller...

The question is:

Why do we always have to demonstrate power over a poor salesman when we buy what he has to offer from him?

And why are we generous to those who don't even need our generosity?

I once read somewhere:

"My father bought goods from the poor at high prices even though he didn't need these things.

He sometimes paid them more. I was in shock. One day I asked him, "Why are you doing this, Dad?"

And my father replied:

"This is charity wrapped in dignity, my daughter"

I know most of you will not share this message but if you are one of the people who took the time to read this story please share this story. Maybe you're sowing a good seed...

133 comments from 
 and more

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


The Intestinal Vicissitudes And Fortitudes of “The Truth”-That Is...

The real authentic “Truth” so help me God requires a great deal of ‘front of Mind Consciousness’. Such that embodies an essential element of genuine and authentic preparedness. Especially, when in the elements and the idiom within the consideration of Honesty, Integrity, and Trustworthiness. Which can be received and believed by those who upholds such beliefs and permits the instant occurrence to be complicit.

While I lament this narrative utterance concerning the truth, it can be, at times; somewhat difficult. It being so; due to the indifference of the ultra conservatives sleeping masses, that is in need of a “wake up call’. Due to the current pervasive atmosphere we find ourselves. Which is the prevailing attitude that is not open, and dare not allow or permit the truth into the perspective of “front of mind conscious psyche. 

Therefore, it is most important to always be cognizant of such matters of the difficulty to encourage the leaning toward the ‘truth’. During these instances of occurrences it is imperative to glean and grasp a focus in the direction of clear and concise ‘discernment’. Which shall tend to serve as ‘key insight and intel’ for the totality of genuine, and authentic proof of ‘The Truth’, indeed.

I would be remiss if I do not comment of the recent June 27, 2024 presidential debate, or lack thereof, Which was   between Donald Trump and The Sitting US president Joe Biden. We all know that Joe missed the mark in his delivery. In spite of missing the mark in presentation and delivery-he did manage to connect to and stay in tune with “The Truth”.

President Joe Biden held on to Ideals of Authentic and Genuineness:

His Dreams Hope and Aspirations for the people

Beliefs & Value Systems for the self interest of all Americans

Systems of Strategies and processes of achievement for the economy that is real, and true

Sensible behavior, skill s and creativity in the interest of the people

Unselfish tracts and attitude that’s  helpful to and for all

I Dare Say, when it comes to Donald Trump- There Are No Words of “Truth” Such narrative utterance of the ‘truth’ is Woefully Missing”

Steve Braxton, Freelance Blogger, Critical Writer, Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator