Friday, June 28, 2024


No! It Was Not Joe Biden’s Finest Moment

He did not come across like he did at his first State Of The Union Address

Seems he had a bit of a cold or some sort of bug, as his voice often seemed to fail him. At times he seemed to be overthinking his answers. He often seemed to have too much information in the two minutes allotted for answers or for the one minute allowed for rebuttal.

Joe Seemed a bit old tonight Of Course he is in his 80’s. That being said, as POTUS his job is not to run a race, win a golf tournament, like Trump marked him to be, or even talk louder than anyone else. The most essential expectation is for him to be a respected leader and to make critical, protected,  and sound decisions about the well-being of We The People of The United of America. In addition, not only every American but often the security and stability of the country, the nation, and even the whole world.

The Donald, as per usual did his thing to “Show Up and Throw Up.” You could easily see that he did not prepare for a real debate.

In his finest 90 minutes, all he ever intended to do was repeat dishonest narrative utterances of lies and more lies. And also to pursue every line of attack that he has done for the past three and a half years. He did so with a vengeance.

As I listened throughout the show, it was not a debate in my humble opinion, but more a parody of an attack show, where he completely ignored the moderators and their questions being asked, in favor of indulging his need to whine, snap his teeth and point the finger of blame and shame at Joe Biden. In spite of the fact that he is the one who possesses the most problems and convictions of 91 counts of wrongdoing.

Donald is also older in age, and it showed, as he continued to refuse to answer reasonable questions in favor of endlessly hammering his own talking points indicating that his decision-making would be better than anyone else. All the while in his insistence that America is basically a shithole country-even though every economic factor is up in good stead, crime is down, and the infrastructure is being improved-a proud moment that makes all Americans Feel Better.

In the final analysis, this debate, which errs on the antics of a sideshow idiom; seems is not going to change anyone’s mind. What we did hope for was that the sitting POTUS would have come across as strong at the beginning, as he managed to do later in the show, or would be debated. Hopefully, The realization of being charged with 91 felonies, and being already found guilty of 34 of them pending the sentencing of July 11, 2024 for Donald Trump. This might just serve to light a fire for a greater turnout at the voting polls for Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election of 2024-25.

Steve Braxton, Freelance Blogger, Critical Writer, Hall Of Fame Storyteller, Narrator & Orator,

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