Wednesday, April 14, 2021




Magnesium is a mineral that’s vitally needed in the body, because it is such a critical nutrient. Most cardiologists dote on and highly recommend you get your daily dose for such benefits as:

·        Support for healthy blood flow

·        Makes for healthy arteries, that they are unplugged for blood to run free in the vain

·        Key support for the top indicator of heart health

·        Act as an inflammatory receptor to include C-Reactive Protein CRP

·        Factually due to CRP being great for the heart, especially in managing stressful conditions. Such that tends to take a toll in critical heart situations circumstances

·         Vital to promote fuel {ATP] for every cell in the body

·        Provides relief for Stress, and Anxiety

·        Promises positive mood control-as it causes a good night sleep of rest and relaxation


Know that it’s of tantamount importance to consume ‘rights foods’ that contains good sources of magnesium, i.e.:

·        Fish and seafood products

·        Green leafy veggie as romaine lettuce, spinach, collards green and kale

·        Seeds and nuts [walnuts, peanuts, and cashews

·        Whole grain products


Moreover, the consumption of ‘right foods’ mineral and vitamin supplements are extremely important. In addition, include in your routine to get a daily dose of magnesium vitamin supplement, 400 to 500 mg. This helps to maintain strong bones and muscle mass health. Other residual effects derived are:

·        Promote help for other supportive essentials as electrolytes as potassium works well for joint pain, and also ‘Charlie horse’ in the legs and calves of the body. And to help the body to shuttle healthy sodium to maintain proper balance [homeostasis}


Moreover I hasten to add, it shall be very important to confer with your family doctor and  specialist to ascertain the best magnesium that would be better absorption in the body.


Magnesium Facts:

·        Makes up 13% of the Earth Mass

·        The 9th Abundant Element in the Universe

·        It is very crucial to over 300 biological processes in the totality of the human body


Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Crisis Intervention & Prevention specialist, Freelance writer & Blogger,





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