Sunday, November 29, 2020


How Smart Are You? Do You Hope to, or Want to Get Smarter?


According to a recent Neuroscience Analysis a focus on Education do matters. Similar to the on-going attention that has been given to Artificial Intelligence. However, in the case of the human mind Fluid Intelligence does matter.


When the question is asked what factors contributes the most to success-the answer chosen in most instances is intelligence.  Even though the science-of-the-matter says one has to be lucky with the advent of:

·        Right Place

·        Right Time

·        Right Person

·        Right Time w/Right Person

·        Right Idea, Right Market, Right Audience, at the right time


Yet Neuroscience goes on to say, even though there are ways to ‘create’ your own luck, one cannot control luck. But what can be control, to some degree, is how smart you already are.


A More Definitive Look at The Insights of “Smart”


There exist a plethora of different forms of Intelligence, Let us begin with a focus on two:

·        Crystallized Intelligence, is accumulated knowledge based on facts, figures, and thinks “educated”. Of course we are aware of people who are ‘book smart’-but not necessarily smart, smart-this ushers in>

·        Fluid Intelligence, the ability to learn and retain new Insights and Intel information and then to utilized to solve problems. Also to learn a new skill to recall existing memories and modify them with new knowledge. Think “applied intelligence”


During this instance is where one becomes more educated. In doing so, this serves to improve fluid intelligence-it is harder, and is one reason why ‘brain games are fairly popular, i.e. crossword puzzles, brain training apps, and Sudoku.


It has been proven that both of the afore-mentioned smart behaviors gives credence to increase in neural connections and learned capacity. They simply buttress and bulk up the brain and are benefactor of being smarter.


However, within a few weeks the cortical thickness and activity starts to decrease, and eventually returns to the pre-Tetris skill level of brain power. Unfortunately, it does not matter how much work it takes to learn new information or gain new skills, this does not help improve fluid intelligence. Once knowledge or skill is in your grasp of brain power, you certainly benefits from the increase in crystallized intelligence. But the fluid intelligence soon returns to the more baseline level.


 Be comfortable-stay easy and calm


Once you have mastered a new game, a new process, a new skill, or a new anything-move on to something new. No matter at home, at work, or anywhere Just keep challenging yourself. Not only will you pocket a constant flow of new information and skill, your brain will stay “bulked up” and forge new neural connections-making it easier to keep learning and growing.


Know this: The more you learn the more you can leverage the power of ‘associative learning’. This process serves to relate something new to something you already know. In the process of learning the relationship seemingly unrelated things. This simply means, whenever you say, ‘Oh that makes sense”: This is basically closely akin to the fact, you are using “associative learning”


Proceeding forth in the process to learn more, it is likely you will be able to associate ‘old’ knowledge to new things. This means you have only to learn the differences or the nuances. This shall give rise where you are able to apply greater context, which will help with memory storage and retrieval to new information you have learned


Thus you have arrived at the point that makes even easier. The research analysis shows will result in your being able to learn even quicker, and also retain a lot more. The key is keep pushing yourself to learn new things about:

·        Business

·        The markets
The Economy

·        The Community

·        Politics

·        News and World events


This shall most assuredly help to become more successful, while moving forth to improve both the Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence learning capacity

Such deliberate and intentional focus toward future achievements shall serve to lead to win-win sought after outcomes


Steve Braxton, CEO, Independent Board of Directors, Life Coach, Freelance Writer & Blogger,

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