Sunday, November 22, 2020




The quotient component of healthiness is being cognizant of the right things to do, by having such Insights and Intel-this can be prudent and wise concerning the proper exercise routines that are best for your age group.


Know that, as one gets older, the human body benefits from different types of exercises that serves to Promote Physical, and Mental Well-being to BE HEALTHY!


To be clear, the effects that a good exercise routine has on your health is simply awesome. Why? It has the propensity to protect your body from a wide range of unhealthy conditions, which might include:

·        Heart disease

·        Stroke

·        Type II diabetes

·        Some form  and type of cancer


The specific type and amount of exercise you need to change as the body ages. It would be a good idea to seek and find a guide for exercises to do that is appropriate for your age group. Meanwhile here are a few simple steps and tips to use as guidelines


The 20’s Chapter of Life

During this period you are at the absolute physical peak of life

You are at the maximum rate where the body pumps oxygen to muscles

So to build muscle mass and bone density now sustains and retains for later

Therefore, vary your exercise training-be consistent and keep it fun


Your 30’s Chapter of Life

It’s very important to maintain cardiovascular, fitness and strength

This slows normal physical decline-always ensure to maintain good posture

Biking, treadmill, elliptical, walking the stairs instead of the elevator helps

When at the computer get up and take a break often 30-45 min intervals

Work Smart: Try High-intensity interval routine training exercises


40’s Chapter of Life

This is the time when you tend to put on more weight

Resistance exercise routine would be prudent, proper, and wise

It’s a good way to optimize calorie burning and counteract fat

This also serves to reverse the loss of 3-8 percent of muscle mass

10 weeks: resistance exercise training increases lean weight and metabolic rate

This serves to decrease fat weight effectively; a good daily Walk helps too


Here come the 50’s Chapter

This is the time when the body begins to experience aches and chronic “joint

For women, estrogen begins to decline in the postmenopausal time of life

The risks of type II diabetes and heart disease increases


It shall be very important to do strength training to maintain muscle mass, at least, 2 x weeks

Weight bearing exercises is good-also Power Walking-fast enough that the breathing rate increases as you work up a sweat in the walking process


Also do some types of balancing exercises and routines

If possible try Tai Chi or similar for balance and relaxation

If not that for relaxation the art and practice of “meditation’ helps to relax


You’ve Reached The 60’s Chapter

More often than not, during the 60’s chapter, you tend to accumulate more chronic aches and joint pain, i.e., neck, shoulder, hip, lower back, knee, etc.

In addition, the risk factor for cancer becomes more prevalent


Here it is time to make the all-important efforts to maintain a high level of “Physical Activity,” that is extremely important, because it helps to prevent:

·        Forms of cancer

·        Reduces the risk of developing conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and strokes


I hasten to add, at this juncture of life it becomes more and more difficult to maintain physical activity. But nevertheless, you must make every effort to buck or to reverse the trend and keep active. Your Life Depends On It.


The activities of Cardio, Strength, Stretching, Core muscle building and developing must be an ongoing activity, at least, 3 x weeks it also would be good to take up dancing, such as, “Stepping, and/or Ball Room.


70’s and Beyond

To keep physical and active at this level is so important it shall greatly help to prevent frailty and unnecessary accidents and falls. It is also a key component for “Cognitive Functions”, such as Dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

When Physical activities are not mobile Strength and Fitness begins to decline rapidly. Exercises: Walk & Talk, Cardio, Strength, Stretch, Core muscle building. Steve Braxton, Life coach, Prevention & Intervention,

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