Thursday, November 12, 2020


Insights & Intel: A Focus on Fairness Justice for All Lives Matters

In particular, Black Lives that are under duress-due to being attacked

People of Color made appreciable gains in The Civil Rights Movement, during the 1960’s, Led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

However, in today’s modern times, not much attention, mention or rise is given to those happenings of the not-to-distant Civil Rights Gains

Seemly, all is fading away into the sunset in the loss and forgotten column. What is also apparent at the local, federal and national leadership levels of these United States, is the premise of an attitude-of-demise, toward anything that seems to be sensitive, or holds support or any semblance of fairness and justice for Civil Rights of people of color, in the Genre of Black Lives matters.

We currently live and/or exist in the throes of challenging circumstances & situations, when it comes to race relations. It occupy a place in a racial, racism diatribe of the manacles chains of discrimination. The time is now to call out and identify racist attitudes in real time behavior. The work to be done is not going to be easy. The Advent is “Change’. The Process is To Repent. And To Acknowledge.

Ask forgiveness, Be Forgiven, which is the connection to the Joy of Healing...

A focus is To Embrace unity, and harmony and togetherness, cause together we are better, not for the race of black, brown, yellow or white, being we are all good, right, and tight in God’s Sight. Be Ware, there is only one race, that of the Human Race.

Looking forward toward the Biblical Revelation; the focus shall be on those who was created in the image and likeness of God. “God said; let us make the man; in our image; and after our likeness; God created man in his likeness; in the image of God’, he created him; male and female he created them’ [Gen 1:26-27}

Steve Braxton, life coach. Honored, Top 60 internet Blogger by “FeedSpot News Network on the global WEB for 2020, 4 million members org w/10,000 daily views/


Presiding Bishop Marketplace Outreach Ministries, Inc & Founder, National Clergy Fellowship Outreach Initiatives,

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