Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Resurrection Celebration is Here!!! "He Has Risen, and is He "Alive!!!"

Have you had the pleasure to experience Jesus in the daily faith walk of your Life? Are you enjoying a relationship with The Father, in the name of Jesus?
That inquiring statement is a subtle but intentional exclamation and/or proclamation of the Resurrection-and what most of us refer to as: Easter, which is a Pagan expression for the Resurrection. Meaning: he has "Risen" and is 'Alive!'

At this juncture in ancient time, it had been almost two months since the crucifixion of Jesus, two months since Mary's Little Baby Boy, God's only begotten Son; had been executed by the Roman Soldiers. Many did not believe in Jesus as a Messiah and the Savior. To them he was nothing more than a momentary blimp on the screen of time; another religious fanatic; who had come and gone. Pilate washed his hands of taking any responsibility for the death of Jesus. The Pharisees were glad to get rid of him. The masses of people no longer cared because he was not the political leader they had hoped for; this view was even pervasive among some of the his disciples who walked with him on a daily basis. In  spite of the fact that they witness first hand, the healing, signs, wonders, and manifestation of miracles.

Yet when Peter and John came to town; in hind sight; it did not take them long, to have a realization they had been with Jesus, the only Begotten Son of God. Who indeed, was the Messiah-the one that was sent to save, redeem, and restore man in a right relationship with God-The-Father.

After Jesus rose form the tomb, went to greet them, and ascended up to Heaven. One could see from the countenance on these men faces, which had a "Radiance of Jesus". So much so; one could a felt presence of Jesus as it was all around, and in was also in the resonance and intonation of their voices.

Jesus was a remarkable person in the flesh, and also in the Deity  of the spirit-a duality personification by God almighty. His persona was; and is; the epitome of a model that Jesus hoped  we as followers would emulate on our faith journey. Jesus always took the time to give attention to; and comfort individuals.

As you read the N.T. Gospels-and witness them unfold. Here you see the numerous encounters Jesus had with people on the wayside of his earthen journey. He was never too big; too burdened, nor was he ever too busy to encounter, encourage, touch or heal individuals. For example; the lame man at the temple gate, the woman with the issue of blood, Dorcas  daughter, or the woman at the well.

If we are to be genuine Jesus followers-it is imperative that we mirror his vision. Whose telescopic view took in the whole world. And his microscopic in-sight included all mankind-it was an inclusive aberration. His view of the world was not; monoscopic but rather Kaleidoscopic-he saw everything all at the same time.
Reverend Steve Braxton
Minister, Life Coach & Minister
Author: The Road That Is Difficult To Travel copyright@2006

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jesus' Proclaimed to Apostle Paul, "My Grace Is Sufficient!!"....

When apostle Paul was experiencing, what he called: A thrown in his side. He asked Jesus to remove it.
It seems that Paul was very anxious to get it done, so he kept asking Jesus. He did so; several times.
When Jesus finally answered, these were the words: Paul, don't you know my Grace is Sufficient!!!

What exactly did Jesus mean? How do you think Paul comprehended the answer?
Well, I want to share some insights upon the situation. While in Seminary, we spent and in ardent amount
of time learning to "Exegete" words of the biblical text. Which translate to the ultimate interpretation of words and passages of scripture.

When Jesus made the statement: "My grace is sufficient". He was relating to the capacity of his power indwelt in him by God Almighty. The sufficiency proclamation means: My power has been made perfect for you.

Just know that God's power, in the name of Jesus, is almighty, everlasting and forever.

In the sufficiency genre, it is not just enough, but more-than-enough, it is in the "Land of Plenty"
God always have our best interest at heart; because he knows us best, he is our manufacturer, that right ,
he made us in his image and after his likeness. God is our King-The King of Glory!!
Just who is this King of Glory?. He is the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. The Lord of hosts, he is, The King of Glory (Psalm 24:8-10)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Some Elements of "Mentorship" for youth & young adults

As we come along side to connect, and touch our youths and young adults in positive ways. Its important that all understanding on both sides is shared for "raising the bar results" We must delve into the Physical, Social, Spiritual, and wisdom aspects of life's developmental attributes and depth of  dimensions
>Physical-impact the Bodies
>Social-statue of the well of the young people
>Wisdom-fortify the neutron of  the brain to equipped and empower the minds
>Spiritual-embrace the minds to indwell the spirit for inner peace, serenity and contentment

Reverend Steve Braxton
Lawndale Christian Legal Center
-Mentoring Plus Jobs/Careers for youths and young Adults

Samuel did not immediately recognized the "Voice of The Lord"

The Lord called Samuel several times, while he was asleep,and each time he thought it was Eli So he went and said to Eli, "here, I am" And in each instance Eli said to him. It was not I, who called you. (Samuel 1:13-17). The bible teaches us to get  wisdom and knowledge and in all our getting-to get an understanding. The truth of the matter is; that we must also seek to have the gift and awareness of "recognition" and comprehension of what  means to be 'obedient' to God, and also ask God, through the medium of prayer for the 'spirit of Discernment". The advent of "Discernment" is very special relative to a complete understanding of God's will, ways, and desires; in the sense of divine understanding.
In essence it is an "astute understanding"-in the genre of  clearness, and the ultimate truth of the God, for the up-building of his kingdom.

Through "faith" we grow in statue and experience the "favor" of the Lord

We do not prevail with strength but it is by "Faith"
Hannah the wife of a King had a 'sorrowful spirit' because her womb was closed and she could not bare a child. So she prayed to God for a child. God blessed her to give birth to a son. She named him Samuel. It was due to her devout spirit in God through the medium of prayer. (I Samuel 1st, 2nd and 3rd chapters).
Through faith we grow in statue, and experience the "favor" of the Lord. Hannah after giving birth to Samuel, also dedicated him back to God. The essence and premise by which we sprinkle a "new born baby" with water in a traditional baptismal or christening worship service ceremony.