What Happens When Human Beings Leave The Earthly Sojourn of This World
A lady named Jessica recently had a Near Death Experience and she revealed in a narrative spoken word insight and intel recording on YOUTUBE.
It entailed a narrative proclamation of a ‘shocking truth’ concerning Black People and their Divine Connection within the Spiritual Realm. Proceeding within the midst of the NDE revelation, the narrative proclamation gave rise to the encounter of Jesus Christ, who was forthcoming with an eye-opening message about race, purpose, and hidden ‘truth’ that most are unaware of when it comes to cultural and ethnic differences.
The revelation of the NDE insights and Intel proved to be both terrifying and enlightening, as it offered Deep Spiritual Intellect that shed eye-opening situations, that question everything, as it relates to Inhumane Treatment, Hatred, and Racism.
In conclusion, the NDE encounter revealed somewhat of a little-known insight about all people, particularly people of color within God’s Divine Plan. Thus the aspects of divine truth regard being chosen ones, with hidden spiritual powers, and sacred connections, which speaks to why people of color have prevailed to survive and overcome, despite hatred, inhumane treatment, abject racism, and discriminatory practices. This was indeed uppermost in the NDE, as Spiritual inward intestinal fortitude. Such tenacity observed by others who are different culturally tends to cause them to err on the side of hate, resentment, and racist practices
Note: The entire article is on YOUTUBE: “Esoteric UP-Lift Title,” I died and What Jesus revealed about Black People will shock you” Jesus Terrifying Testimony
Steve Braxton, Founder & CEO, Marketplace Ministries, Inc., Critical Writer, Contributing Blogger, Author, Non-Fiction Books, and award-winning poetry Honor “BEST POETS Of 2022, Volume 3,a compilation Library of Congress Cataloging Publication Data ISBN # 978-1-60880-746-8
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