-Key steps to avoid and steps to engaged
If you have a desire to slow the aging process. The key noted steps below will allow you to ‘reclaim’ your health and achieve overall ideal body persona. It Shall be a process that is closely akin to having a splash of cold water upon you and a touch of old school ‘honest touch’
1. Avoid low fats diet approach. I know it’s been fed to you for a craze of decades. However, know that ‘fats’ are not to be feared. Why? Because fats helps the body to Regenerate Power Hormones, and testosterone, which serves as a direct result of Cholesterol and dietary fat intake. This is what the body needs to produce ‘Vital Hormones’
2. Stop Running in Circles, that too may sound strange and a little crazy. You got to cease the use of treadmills, and stop running, Why? It does very little to reverse the aging process, as a matter of fact;it accelerate the aging process. It does so, by increasing ‘free radicals’. Which are scavengers that ‘prey’ on body essentials, nutrients and tissues
3. Quit pointing the finger of shame and blame on how old you’re seemly are feeling. Because you are not fat due to your age. But rather it due to what you eat, how you think-it must be how not to feel ‘Old & Fat’. The first ‘key step’ get away from negative naysayers, in your circle of influence. It’s a must to surround yourself with vibrant positive thinkers, like yourself who absolutely ‘crave a challenge’. It shall be the challenge that will change your cognitive mindfulness to do and be, and have better cognizant thoughts toward keeping you feeing young, being happy, and using best challenges to take better control of your body, and your overall persona for an ongoing healthy lifestyle
4. Avoid ‘Chronic Dehydration’ You must drink plenty of water. Why? Because, water burns fat, water suppresses hunger pangs, water renew your skin, water will take off years from your facial countenance in a matter of a few weeks. In addition, as the fat will drop off, you will gain more energy, your kidney and liver will be saved from chronic overwork. Know This, when the kidneys are taxed from too little water, your liver will step in and take over, not good, do not want that to happen. Because, the liver is the number one ‘fat burning’ organ of the body. Therefore, you want to avoid at all cost having the liver take on an extra job of processing liquids and toxins, but rather stay with it’s main job of burning fat. Keep The water flowing through the body. Drink at least 8-10 glasses each day. It Will Keep the body looking younger, younger and younger
5. Work Out Routine- it’s very important to have a good routine 2-3, or even 4 times a week. The results: look younger, the body is most toned with the least amount of unwanted fats. The work-out routine should consist of the following: For Mobility, walking, Biking, and step machine. Other types of exercises, Squats: lower body, hamstring,glute. Bench Press & Incline Bench Press: Dumbbells 5 Lbs, 10 Lbs, up to 20 Lbs. Chest Press Machine. Triceps, Biceps, Shoulder Press. Suggestion: various machines: 4 sets of ten reps of each exercise machine.
Steve Braxton, Life Coach, Lifestyle Change Practitioner, Convener & Facilitator for The Annual Daniel Fast Lifestyle Change, consists of 40 days of meditation, prayer, reading of biblical passages the main focus on the Book of Daniel Chapter one
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