Monday, November 25, 2024


-Mixed Emotions And Righteous Anger Prevails Much

Insights And Intel about “Righteous Anger”

Righteous Anger Usher in the whereabouts concerning the questions: What of the absence of ‘Moral Ethics and Moral Integrity i.e. The issues of Right vs Wrong and Good vs Evil?

After that being said, there should be and must be a resolve to pursue the chance and the matter of sanity and civil strategy on ways to move forward that is best for all of ‘We The People’. Such a quest should stridently focus on the approach that the Trump Administration intends be in pursuit of implementing ‘Project 2025’

We, The People, must be focused and complicit during this time to work together, be ready to bemoan the results, and channel emotions to discover healthy boundaries and effective ways to achieve the most effective and civil quotient component that speaks to the entanglement of American Families in the workplace, at large, so as not to bitterly serve as a divide.

I would be remiss if I did not mention, that there are, seemly second thoughts and a bitter divide among some of the 52% of white men and women, and men of color 40 years and younger who cast their vote to help the current President-Elect win the nomination.

The reason is that they have suddenly come to the realization regarding the impact of Project 2025: If and when it is implemented, it will adversely impact them and their families, as well, in very negative ways, just as it does all American Citizens.

All Due to them being:#NOTFOCUS# #CLUELESS & CLUENESS#

Steve Braxton, Freelance/Critical Writer, Top Impressions Blogger,

Author of Non-Fiction Books, and National Award Poetry Contest Winner of “BEST POETS OF 2022, and Who’s Who In American Poetry 2023, A Compilation Library Of Congress Cataloging Data

ISBN 978-1-0880-757-4  

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