Women of Black African Descent Pilgrimage Progression
• 1849-Harriet Tubman led
• 1955-So Rosa Parks could sit
• 1960-So Ruby could walk to integrate a school
• 2008-So First Lady Michelle Obama could inspire
• 2020-So Vice President Kamala Harris could run, win and serve as the first woman of color in the United States
• 2022-So Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown could rule atop the highest court of the land the United States of America
Such Milestone achievements can be celebrated as the ultimate epitome of the indomitable pursuit of ‘Unity’. Which can arduously be considered closely akin to the indomitably strength of resiliency
Put On The Charity of The Bond of Perfectness
Inclusive in Biblical Scriptures...
“Above all these virtues, one put on the mantra of love, which binds them together in perfect Unity” {Colossians 3:14}
Halle-translate {praise} Lujah translate {God} Hallelujah! Praise God, Amen...
Steve Braxton, Founder, National Clergy Fellowship, Div. Marketplace Ministries, Inc, Spiritual Director/Adviser, Hall of Fame induction, as Orator/StoryTeller, Recognized in The Chicago History Museum Archives, Global Internet Blogger, and author of Non-fiction books, memoirs, and poetic s
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