Friday, May 24, 2019

Relationships: The Season and Reason

Relationships: The season and reason;
A part and parcel element of any type of relationship has a connection to people that is often referred to as:
·         Someone, somebody, anyone or anybody
·         And even somebody else or someone else

Here is a truism that we should become cosign ant of, embrace and reflect on to stay healthy, physically, mentally, and in an emotionally state of well-being.
At certain times in life-the people we often refer to as someone or somebody may need to depart from our presence. Why? Because the time is imminent for that solo flight. Meaning, it can be considered an ideal juncture to test learned heightened awareness for growth and development. This shall allow the opportunity for the best version of you to emerge, evolve, and maturate to full potential. Thus shall create a greater level of confidence

Relationships have its share of hardships and failures, and at the end of the day, can ultimately enjoy thru elements of tenacity to ‘strive and survive. Let’s emphatically focus and reflect on an ideology of the cause and effects of:
·         Someone, somebody, anyone or anybody

A suggestion-in the mantra of wisdom. Be careful not to attached failures encountered in life to the activities of someone or somebody else. It’s both prudent and wise to take ownership and responsibility for your plight in life. Strive to never point the finger of shame and blame.

A bad somebody else shall give you not so pleasant experiences in life. However, a good someone will bring forth and cause you to have much joy and happiness. I hasten to add, the best someone shall impart to you immeasurable purpose, peace and deep inner peace and contentment.

It’s a must to connect to that good and best someone as you pursue personal, spiritual growth and development, build character, as you move on in life, with life’s aspirations and ambitions

At all cost take pre-cautionary steps to avoid and stave off any unhealthy situations from anyone and anybody. Always stay woke, fast and focus on being intentional to connect and attach self to someone and somebody; that possesses depth and purposeful direction in life.

Steve Braxton, Life Skills Coach, Global Blogger, Best-selling author non-fiction books

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