Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Relationships Connects to Leadership

Relationships Genuine-ness;
-Insights and Intel to build and develop authentic and genuine relational foundations in today’s societal spheres of life.

A view and emphasis shall be on core values and code of ethnic’s, and/or lack thereof. When considering the traits and attributes of things that has quality core values, which serves to enhance the lives of others on their way to reaching full potential in life; a focus on a certain type of ‘leadership’ immediately comes to mind. This tends to create a connection between relational traits and leadership attributes and management acumen

Amongst the throes and in the midst of the unfolding and emergence of such a plight in life, it is evident in many historic situations that the issues of hardship and trust have been sorely experienced. According to the book, “Rare Leadership”, by authors Marcus Warner/Jim Wilder, they put forth that some leaders has been known to be really tough to trust and follow. The authors reveal that it has much to do with the respective leader’s lack of being emotionally healthy-in the realm of leadership. The biggest mistakes made is their focus on “what am I to do” rather than ‘who I am I to be?” An example could be-when a mistake is made by a leader, as a results someone feelings and emotions is impacted in negative ways. The immediate sensitive behavior ought to be to confess and make amends rather than have a conscious feeling of superiority. This sort of behavioral approach renders itself as being neglect, denial, self-deception or too important to care.

One key approach might be to focus and practice uncommon habits, sprinkles with spiritual components, that lends itself, from a faith perspective, to the ‘fruits of the spirit’ i.e. peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc. These types of possibly ‘uncommon habits’ has been known for increasing trust, and joy, which lessened any potential hardships that may be encountered. I hasten to add; this is based on first hand, tried and proven leadership experimental encounters.

Deny {denial] vs. Confess [admit/confession}

Denial, always breeds distrust, disobedient, self-deception and from a faith perspective, even the dastardly-act-of-sin. “Since we have such crowd of men of ‘faith’ watching us from the grandstands, let us strip off anything that slows us down or hold us back, and especially those ‘sins’ that wrap themselves around our feet and trip us up; let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us” {Hebrews 12:1}

Confess, on the other hand is far more noble and upright and tends to attach it-self to the ‘golden rule’, i.e. ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’
I hasten to add, to ‘confess’ first, is liberating, freedom, up-lifting, and joyful. There is tremendous ‘exhilarating power’ both inward and outward when one chose “To Confess”. Thus the ingredients & qualities of R.A.R.E Leadership. See what constitute R.A.R.E below

R-remain relational {identity and sense of belonging|
A-act like one self {be authentic & genuine}
R-return to joy embrace, use, and practice it}
E-endure hardship {suffering & glory, builds character}

In conclusion, those leaders who possess and amass Traits and attributes of “Rare Leadership” enjoy the fruits of their labor in an enormity of higher levels of achievements, accolades and edification. Thus R.A.R.E. is essentially the fruits of uncommon habits and closely akin to measurable levels of ‘emotional intelligence’

Author: Steve Braxton, Contributing Global Internet Blogger, Life Skills Coach, Critical writer, Best-selling author of non-fiction books {Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google and e-bay.

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