Sunday, September 2, 2018


It has been my experiential encounter; in order to yield exponential spiritual growth; that translates to an enormity of dividends, requires being committed, dedicated and steadfast on the journey of one's daily spiritual walk of life.

I adhere to the principles within this thoughts of consciousness: Take the time to seize the moment; be in the moment; while reaching-out to touch & agree, to reach consensus and/or even to disagree with others, with special consideration given for nurture and care, especially among our youth and young adults. In so doing; take the time to share and impart positive wisdom of useful Intel that has pristine life application qualities.

I would further contend-it would be good to begin with edification, first,then move to encouragement and recognition of  positive learn ed traits and attributes; already in one's possession. Being mindful that the Core Value of  Rare leaders is to always come along side another to pour into them useful, insightful wisdom and knowledge; in the Genre of ;and with the proclivities mirrored in Mentor-ship Traits and Attributes.

A word regards shadowing: When a men tee or an intern is allowed the privilege of observation through shadowing it speaks volumes, on a constant basis. Why? Because when you as a Rare Leader extend such an opportunity through guidance, coaching, counseling, it serves as powerful catalyst to both enhance and augment the desired outcome of one reaching their Full Potential in Life. A feat that is obtained while being aware and embracing one's 'purpose in life-as it was both pre-ordained and meant for them to be by the creator. GO FORTH #MUCHBLESSINGSABOUND#

steve braxton, mentor, graduate rare leader practitioner, Hall of Fame, Storyteller, Enshrined@TheChicagoHistoryMuseum.

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