The Report Card of the Management Leaders and the Fiscal Responsibility of US Presidents:
Jimmy Carter added $25 billion to the deficit.Ronald Reagan added a huge $74 billion. That seemed bad at the time but just wait....See how much Bush Sr. spent...
George H.W. Bush Sr. added $102 billion to the deficit
Bill Clinton reduced the deficit by $383 billion, leaving the budget a surplus when he left office, Great Job. Well Done Bill at fiscal management
George W. Bush Jr. added $1.54 trillion to the deficit a horrendous debt added due to the War on Irag
Barack Obama was able to get the deficit down to $585 billion; that is, he reduced it by $825 billion.
Donald Trump added a whopping $2.1 trillion to the deficit.
Joe Biden during his tenure had to clean up the mess left by Trump he was able to reduce the deficit by approx. $942 billion.
Remarks: It seems the GOP has always spent like crazy during their terms of office with no regard for being 'Fiscal Responsible '
The Democrats tend to do much better at being fiscally responsible i.e. President Biden had to fix enormous screw-ups caused and left by Trump. As well as Obama had to do the same that was left by Bush that was implemented with the War on Iraq.
Steve Braxton, Critical Writer, Contributing Blogger, Previous Moderator/Facilitator for The White House Conference on Small Business, with the Clinton/Gore Admin, to include Regional Conferences and Moderator for the Annual White Event with attendance of more than 5,000 Business Owners from across the U.S.
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