The Report Card of the Management Leaders and the Fiscal Responsibility of US Presidents:
Jimmy Carter added $25 billion to the deficit.Ronald Reagan added a huge $74 billion. That seemed bad at the time but just wait....See how much Bush Sr. spent...
George H.W. Bush Sr. added $102 billion to the deficit
Bill Clinton reduced the deficit by $383 billion, leaving the budget a surplus when he left office, Great Job. Well Done Bill at fiscal management
George W. Bush Jr. added $1.54 trillion to the deficit a horrendous debt added due to the War on Irag
Barack Obama was able to get the deficit down to $585 billion; that is, he reduced it by $825 billion.
Donald Trump added a whopping $2.1 trillion to the deficit.
Joe Biden during his tenure had to clean up the mess left by Trump he was able to reduce the deficit by approx. $942 billion.
Remarks: It seems the GOP has always spent like crazy during their terms of office with no regard for being 'Fiscal Responsible '
The Democrats tend to do much better at being fiscally responsible i.e. President Biden had to fix enormous screw-ups caused and left by Trump. As well as Obama had to do the same that was left by Bush that was implemented with the War on Iraq.