It would be great to let the good things of life be the focus of your concerns as you take care to serve humanity and to require that it is a constant in life while travailing on the path of the journey. Such Spiritual Growth Attributes as the following:
- Be Aware of the steps for a healthier life-know who is the "Source" of all of our thoughts. He who is The One, that is the only Hope, the only Choice, and the only 'Source' who is He? The Lord of host, that is Strong and Mighty.
- Know this, that the Son of God has defeated the enemy-the battle is not ours-it is the Lord's
- Strive to Focus on the essence of your thoughts-always endeavor to go high when others go low. Because negative thoughts are unhealthy and are Not of God-they tend to lead toward the small trail of the road on the path of the journey.
- Strive to equip self to learn more...educate and enlighten via the study of the B.I.B.L.E., Required Reading, it is: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Which gives and provides whatever things that are Honest, True, Pure, Lovely, and is of a good report with patience inclusive of being a 'virtue'
- Despite the evil that abounds among us in these perilous times and amidst the pandemic -The Focus must still be on The Goodness and Mercy of the Lord. Always being conscious of the feelings and emotions To Be Slow to Anger but stridently apt to embrace 'forgiveness therein lies the bestowal of the abundant blessings of the Almighty God.
Steve Braxton, Ordained Member of the Clergy, CEO & Founder, Marketplace Ministries, Inc, Author of non-fiction books, freelance writer & blogger,
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