Monday, March 15, 2021




Certain laws put in place by staunch segregationists designed specifically to deter the impact of black voters in the south actually had an unexpected twist not seen coming by modern-day Senate Republicans.


David Purdue a Georgia Senate Republican racked up 88,000 more votes than his Democratic opponent Ossoff in the first round of voting, but it fell short of winning the majority of 50% of the vote cast. In Georgia that meant the vote would go to a runoff.


Purdue needed 13,000 additional votes, in order to reach the 50% level. A Libertarian candidate Shane Hazel siphon off 115,000 votes


The Georgia runoff law versions of which exist across all the Southern States was specifically designed to decrease the political voter’s power for People Of Color. The author in prior years during the Jim Crow Era was a staunch segregationist effort that blamed “Bloc Voting” by African Americans for costing the Republican Party to lose an election.


Fast forward to decades later, that Jim Crow Law in the final analysis empowered Black Voters. It serves to cause a tremendous turnout of votes to be cast in the Georgia Senate election by People of Color. This resulted in both Democratic candidates Ossoff and Warnock being lifted to victory


This General Election in Georgia made the history books as one of the largest turnout operations ever, which sent millions of Black Georgians to the polls on Jan 5, 2021, resulting in Victory for Senate Democrats to regain the majority In the US Senate w/Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tiebreaker vote on certain issues to come before the body of the senate


Steve Braxton, CEO, Business Advisor, Independent Director, Author, non-fiction books, Freelance Writer & Blogger,

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