Friday, December 11, 2020


The Status and Disposition of COVID-19


We are in Mid Dec 2020 and the illusive pervasive question that is still being asks of the professionals: “When can we expect to get back to normal”?


During an interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo Dr. Fauci shared these comments; “It depends on how quickly, and how many people want to get, and will commit to taking the vaccine. If we have a smooth vaccination program where everybody steps to the plate quickly, we could get back to some form of normalcy certainly by the fall of next year”


However, he went on to say, “With the worse yet to come in coronavirus sickness and death and ICU’s across the country overflowing-the status of ‘normal’ could be affected-but it may and should bounce back, quickly”


Vaccine approval and implementation process


The CDC is making recommendations to the U.S. FDA, which in turn listens to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee before the final approvals for emergency use authorization {EUA}. Which Dr. Fauci sez, shall happen. The assurance being sought is that all of the science professionals want to make sure that the American Public feels comfortable and safe. Especially, since the decisions involve their health and well-being. All precautions are being taken to ensure safety and health decisions are made outside of the realm of politics and self-aggrandizement and are viewed in essence by independent groups.


In the final analysis, the intent, and focus is to leave the impression with the American Public that the vaccine is not rushed out, possibly at the command of those in the position of the ‘Powers That Be’


The ultimate hope is that the first line providers shall be vaccinated initially, and then the larger population of the American Public. Allowing the chance of comfortability for the teacher, students in schools, and the parents of the student children


It shall also be important to keep abreast and stay alert of safety fundamentals in the throes of the pandemic-while getting back to a place on normalcy such as:

·        Wear Face Mask

·        Social Distance

·        Avoid Large Crowds

·        Do Not Go Outdoors with people not sheltered with you {bars, restaurants, close knit public venues, sports, concerts, etc}

·        Practice Good Hygiene

·        Be Safe

·        Protect Self

·        Be Concern for your life and the lives of others

·        Always be alert to ensure your health and the Physical and Emotional Well-Being of those you come in contact with on a daily basis


Steve Braxton, Freelance Writer & Blogger, Life Coach, Author of non-fiction books,    


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