Monday, July 13, 2020

The Wake-Up Call Leadership Regime of #45-These United States

On November 2016, those of us who went to the polls and cast the popular vote to elect the forty-fifth President of these United States, most were more than a little dismayed at the outcome. Even though the popular vote was for the presumptive Democratic Nominee, Hillary Clinton. However, when the Electoral College voting guidelines were tabulated the news was, not Mrs. Clinton to be elevated, but instead, it was Donald J. Trump who ascended to the nation’s highest office of The Presidency of the United States of America.-a a man whom we the popular voting block clearly viewed as unfit to lead America.

Since much time has elapsed and we have come to know that Donald J. Trumps is exactly what Hillary Clinton warned he would be, do, say and carry-out in his leadership, or lack thereof. The type of leadership being exhibited and portrayed, according to the populist, has been a roller coaster awakening of a nightmare

Trump in his attempt to lead has been a mirror, a warning, and an ultimate catalyst for change, albeit, not necessarily positive change. The model reflected in #45 the abnormal and erratic behavioral pattern reveals all that is wrong with the United States America such as:
·         Injustice, Unfairness and Oppression
·         Bigotry, Hatred, Racism and racial discrimination of black and Brown people
·         Catalysts for the flame of police brutality i.e. George Floyd
·         Broken Social contracts
·         The the undoing of noteworthy policy and procedures put in place, by the former POTUS for the betterment of we the people, such as Environmental, Education and Healthcare issues, components and initiatives
·         The crassness and disrespectful politics put forth in bullying tactics
·         The Cruelty, that is put upon the Economy

Although, I hasten to add, these maneuvers have been a wake-up call that has served, as a jolting shock that a mature democracy needed for action. A case and point was the action and procedures of the Impeachment process put forth by the Congressional House of Representatives, only to be ignored and not taken serious by the United State Senate, much to the displeasure of the populist voting block

In times like these, an enormity of the populist are using the utterance of a timely metaphor, Trump and his supporters are like a virus-a pandemic of sorts, and they have activated  the Democratic antibodies. The situations and circumstances that we see happening in the streets is the body fighting the infection from the disease of the virus.

America has prided itself as the first modern nation created for, and
by the people. Supposedly, a nation with no class structure, royalty, and/or
 Hierarchical order. Which was one of the main reason for succeeding from
The royal court of Great Britain. The approach was to give everyone a
chance to achieve the American Dream-where anyone could reach their full
 Potential in life. However, we are now aware that was somewhat of a myth.
We need look no further than the slavery era where human beings were
Treated, not as people, but as property.

The Civil War was fought to abolish slavery-but it failed in the process of the
aftermath to be the more perfect union put forth by the foundering father of
The Constitution. Because immediately after the Civil War was fought  the
Confederacy establish the “Separate but Equal” Jim Crow Laws.

Even today, we are witnessing, not only a cultural and ethnic war but seemly
a class war, especially in the behavior patterns of police brutality when it 
comes to black and brown people. It is time for America to confront its short
comings-as it  relates to systematic racism and racial discrimination, and it
must also acknowledge the reality of the created permanent underclass,
where a society exist that your melanin skin color content, and your zip code
determines the status and the importance of your future.

Depending on how you look at it, fortunately for #45 and unfortunately for
we the people of the popular voters' block, everything that is “wrong in
America is inherent in #45. such as:
·         The Hunger for Power
·         Abnormal Behavior unbecoming of a world leader
·         Complicit with Altright and White Supremacist vile behaviors
·         Cruelty toward those who look and are different than...
·         Gleeful Ignorance and disrespected Antics
·          Obsession with vile, insensitive social media attacks & comments
·         And outright Mendacious  Narcissism

The revulsion of candid unprofessional idiosyncrasies of #45 is causing the
Americans, and just recently, a number of the GOP supporters, to ask the
Questions: How did we get in this mess?, And how do we get out of this,
through what test? The wisdom is when #45 tenure is run and done,
Whether it’s Nov 2020 or four more years. The recovery process shall take
time, an enormity of hard work by dedicated, committed, well-intentioned
Professional people from every corner of American society.

In conclusion, a word about what happens in the streets, whether its
the violent protest, looting, property destruction or just peaceful protesters, it is
a demonstration of:
·         Open progressive for the effects of ways-societies ‘To Improve’
·         Often times fitfully-imperfectly
·         Frustratingly-sometimes tragically

Albeit, in the end, the goal, the objective sought after, the desired outcome
Is that, the imminent results is that we must work, “To Improve”

What to say to #45 The POTUS? Shall we say, Thank You! For the wake
Up call. Thank you for showing us who America really is?. Thank
You for helping we the people to muster enough courage to confront the
Situations of injustice, unfairness, hatred, racism, racial discrimination,
And helping we the people of black and brown for the realization of our
Importance to America.  We can now have the the utterance of the proclamation to
Say like Fannie Lew Hammer said during the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement:
“We are sick and tired of ‘Being Sick and Tired”

‘TO IMPROVE’    And Yes, With Tenacity and Smart work-We shall be OK.

Steve Braxton, life coach, freelance writer & blogger, featured:

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