Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Word Regards Insights & Intel Concerning The State of Being in Denial

-Being in Denial is a State of Mind
-That borders on a Defense Mechanism and/or The Effort of an Attitude of trying to avoid being hurt}

Psychological Denial
Refusal to accept the reality of a fact or the truth regards certain matters in life that happens to you, and those close to you, usually it is something very painful, stressful, and unpleasant.

In more cases than not, the person tries to go on with life acting as if the “Painful” of “Stressful” situation does not exist

Such a person tends to resign themselves to hold a belief that “What U don’t Accept,” Can’t Really Hurt You”. This is An Unhealthy-State-of-Mind and is the furthest thing from the “Truth”

Defense Mechanism
When a person is faced with a “Painful”  or “Stressful’ a situation they usually end to –Rejects the Reality of the “Fact” and/or the “Truth of the matter” Even though the “True is the reality of the Matter-At Hand

The usual behavior is that a person will continue to insist that the situation At Hand, IS NOT TRUE! THUS: The Epitome of the State-of-Denial

Despite the fact that all the evidence is very clear, and is Overwhelming, and Irrefutable. Denial remains ever presence-where a person will still contend to hold on the belief, and will Stay in Denial concerning the situation at hand

This Is where another person or persons; is close to the person in Denial-and tends to listen and becomes complicit with the belief of the person in denial. When this happens you stand the danger of being an ‘enabler’ to the situation.

Note: Avoid, Avoid, at all costs.  This is not very good, nor is it healthy or helpful to the person who is in Denial. The best advice you can give: Suggest the person in Denial seeks professional Help. At this juncture to seek help with a Therapist is of Utmost Importance.

Written//Submitted by: Bishop Steve Braxton, Intervention Counselor, Behavioral Modification Practitioner. Concentration: Anxiety, Crisis, Stress, Anger, and Depression. Sbrax57@gm
January 12, 2020

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