The Focus: Biblical Based "Life Style Change" The reference is the Old Testament Book of Daniel. The central characters are Daniel, and his compatriots, the 3 Hebrew Boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. During those ancient times under the rule of Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar. The King's edicts, ideas, and mission was to search far and wide throughout Babylon unto Jerusalem. To seek, find, and/or discover 'certain-of-children of Israel who were well favored and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding in science and math, and the ability to stand in the presence of the King's Palace.
The decree that all of these men had to eat a daily provision of the king's meat and drank of the best wines from the king's cellar, nourishing them for three years and then to come stand before the King for inspection and observation. Of course Daniel refuse the King's eating suggestions, requesting instead the vegetarian approach of food consumption, mainly a steady indulgence of fruits and veggies and water. The King reluctantly accepted his choice-but only for a very short period of time before submitting to the King's inspection and observation/
Daniel and his compatriots proved to be the Wisest, Best and the Brightest of all the King's men. Not in three years, but only ten days. The meaning of Daniel's name is "my God is Judge". His belief was to obey and put his trust, not in any person or anything, But to Trust God. Thus: 'my God is Judge.
Daniel was known for his interpretations of dreams and visions, given him as specials gifts and talents by God himself. As such Daniel shared these revelations, "And the king shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods {higher power greater than all others and prevailing existing leaders} and shall appear to prosper the indignation in pursuit be accomplished or the determination of his UN-doing. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers [predecessors leaders} nor the desires of women nor any god ; For He Shall Magnify himself above all else or others."
This tends to exert itself as closely akin to an 'anti-type' {emerging edicts & foretelling of the Anti-Christ}
Know This: The annuals of history occurs in cycles. As we reflect and take note of a certain modern day leader or leaders or so called leaders of the free world. Which we now find ourselves. It's ostensibly, Da jar vue, is common place among us. We see and watch the emergence and unfolding of certain situations each passing day. While being in the moment and observing the many swift transitions of challenges of indignation toward the whole of all Humanity.
Steve Braxton, life Coach, Business Advisor, Entrepreneur, Corporate Board of Directors, Life Style Change Practitioner