Chronicles 4:9-10, Jabez Request and supplications to God
By: Steve Braxton, National Clergy Fellowship Outreach...
PRAYER OF JABEZ, his name means: distress, pain, etc
was different than the rest of his family. His mother named him due to the
difficulty she experienced during his birth. Knowing his name brought distress
to his mother; he wondered “Is there more to life than this”?
he prayed to God this prayer
that U would bless me, and bless me indeed {means: bless me a lot-many, many
enlarge my territory; that your hand would be with me; and that you would keep
me from all evil”
bless me
me with my work
be with me in all that I do
me from all evil and disaster {God granted him his request
Oh that u would
bless me, indeed
“Prepare me, Equip
me; and Empower me
Nothing but God’s
fullest blessings for bestowal upon U
But we must ask for
them or they will be put on the “un-claimed shelf”-waiting for U to ask
Be in Expectancy Mode:
Look FWD with the Belief, have the confidence and expectation that God will
bring it to pass
Reflection: Solomon
name meant “Peace” He was the first King of Israel to reign without going to
war. As he prayed to God 4 Wisdom, Knowledge and all other oppty became
available to him {He had the wisdom and most of The Understanding &
recognition of God’s Blessings and he was obedient..
OH That U would enlarge
My Territory: His desire was not about material things but rather:
Responsibility, More Opportunity to make a mark for God
his presence; Keep God ‘front-of-mind-consciousness’
do the work, by coming along side others to mentor, advice, counsel and coach-and
those efforts would serve to glorify God
sounds something like this:
Great, Good, and Wise God!, I come asking that you would expand my opportunities;
in that, it may Impact others in
enormous ways; in the work-as I touch & agree, and that it would make a
difference in much more lives-all to
your Glory! Oh Lord help me, and let me do more for you, and the kingdom, this
is my prayer, IN JESUS NAME, Amen