Monday, September 2, 2024

 Listen Up! All voters know you have much power at the ballot box. This time around for the 2024 POTUS ELECTION, It is time to take off the rose-colored glasses, to see and discern the facts, and to face reality. The Fact is, Harris/Waltz vs Trump/Vance is coming in November 2024, and is the task at hand. A fact that may not be uppermost in your mind is this: DJT has been running for President for more than 5 of the last 9 years. Folks, consider what has been happening during that span of time. During that time span, he has not brought much to the table for 'we the people', except quite a bit of anger, lies, revenge, conspiracy theories, and a "History of Unfulfilled Promises". If you have been watching like most of us, Yes,! we have seen that old; playbook' before, far too many times. I don't know about but is time For a Fresh New Start to Get Much Needed Better Decisions and Action for: "We The People" Let's Make It Hap[pen, and Do It Right This Time. Our Life Depends On It. God Bless Bishop Steve Braxton
