Past History To Live and Realize Dreams of The Future
The past is keen wisdom unto ultimate sufficient knowledge, that creates the pathways to serve as stepping stones to overcome roadblocks encounters in the bygone era.
We dare not remain stuck in the past because it may ruin any chance we have at the present and disavow what glad tidings the future may hold
That being said, it is both prudent and wise to recognize the lessons that it teaches us about the insights and intel of what is needed to go forth seeking the ‘spirit of boldness’ courage, and determination. As well as, to reflect on healing and forgiveness In order, to become the best to better serve self and all others
As we endeavor to discover the advent and happenings that the ‘stepping stones’ bring forth. Thus it makes amends and uses those mistakes as lessons taught, learned, and internalized. Such experimental encounters are formidable lessons that become gifts, which allow the levels of the learning process, truly leading ways to progress and evolve
It is good for us to be sensitive and prayerful to reflect on the dissident voices that ‘cry out’ for healing in the revelation in the book of Mark’s gospel. The people seeking healing from Christ Jesus have to cross boundaries, in order, for the sick to be made well and whole and returned to full health.
While these stories are individual healings, they also remind us that we each have a part to play in restoring the marginalized and bringing, restoring, and healing to society, country, nation, and indeed the world. Especially, considering the migrant situation and circumstances in America, and the war-torn conditions in Ukraine and Gaza
Steve Braxton, Founder/CEO of National Clergy Fellowship Outreach initiative, an Affiliate of Marketplace Ministries, Inc., Bishop Light of Illinois Diocese, an affiliate of GOGIC, International, Former Senior Pastor, United Church of Hyde Park, Il, and Former Associate Pastor, Progressive Community Center The People’s Church, Collaborative Member, The International Council Of Community Centers and Churches {ICCC}