The insights and Intel happening of what is called a “Miracle”
During modern time things that happen beyond the human self and/or belief on most occasions is surmised to be an enigma, meaning, it’s considered a mystery or something that is unfathomed
During such a happening the words that are usually exclaimed, are Impossible, unbelievable, extraordinary mystery, unreal, surreal, etc.,
Know this: In the Kingdom of God happenings that are not usual, unfathomed, extraordinary, or unbelievable, such matters are the natural manifestation of God’s Power, His love and His Mercy, and His Grace-all working together indirectly or directly through fervent persistent prayer or through intercessory prayer, indeed it is God’s Modern Day Power to manifest such an occasion to cause ‘Miracles' to happen. And when it does We Give God The Glory, Hallelujah! Praise His Name
Steve Braxton, Ordained Elder, Former pastor, United Church of Hyde Park, IL, which was and is, a Multi-Cultural, Cross-Cultural congregation of UCC, United Methodist, and Presbyterian congregation of believers. Also blogger, and author of non-fiction books sbrax57@gmail.com, facebook.com/nationalclergy.fellowship/