Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Insights & Intel Regards The Process of Prayer in Biblical & Spiritual Genre

It would be good to reflect on and have more of an intentional focus toward a strategically, biblically and spiritual approach to 'pray-in-the word'. What do I mean by that? Well, you may ascertain, glean and/or grasp a better comprehension and understanding from the following:

  • Strategically target an approach in the spiritual genre by having in mind a certain biblical passage as you begin to pray [i.e 3 John, verse 2}
  • To be cognizant of Praying-in-The-Word, with the use of the Word-with proclamation of the utterance of specific scriptural passages [ example Matthew 6:9,10,11}
  • Interject the use of specific knowledge of the person or group you are praying for
  • Aim the prayer in such a way that it covers all aspects of the person's life or group agenda
  • Seek God's ways, desires and his 'will' in the course of the intercessory prayer
  • As an intercessor-you are standing in the gap for another, with the anticipation of courage,  belief, and the expectancy of a break-through. All done to the Glory of God. 
  • Know This: There is a divine connection to the supplication of prayer, and the answer to prayer. Couched in the Genre of Spiritual Collaborative Partnership; for God to Get The Glory!
I hasten to add, all too often the prayers of Christian Believers borders on becoming, organ recitals. Such as noted below:
  • Praying for Aunt Mary kidney ailment
  • Praying for Cousin James prostate cancer
  • Praying for Brother Joe big toe on his right foot 
I need you to hear me clearly here. I'm not criticizing or even suggesting that one need not pray for physical health and mental well-being. The biblical passages found in 3 John V-2 reveals to us, "to pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may be well with you, even as your soul is getting along well" 

However, what I am reiterating is that we must be careful not to prioritize temporary physical needs over Eternal Spiritual ones. Otherwise, Know This:  Let's not spend more time, 'Praying to keep sick saints out of Heaven, rather than lost sinners out of Hell. Keep it all in proper praying, witnessing, an in evangelizing perspective. Leave no stones unturned.

The Apostle Paul was always diligent to pray powerfully for believers aiming at spiritual issues. He also strategically prayed to God The Father, through Jesus Christ that He through the Holy Spirit would powerfully work deep in the hearts of saints the truth of who GOD IS, Who they were in Christ, and Whose they were created by and belong too.

In addition, Apostle Paul prayed for God to reveal His Ways, His Desires, and His 'Will' of Love and to strengthen, equip, and empower them toward spiritual fruitfulness. This so that they would have increased knowledge of God and His faithfulness. The brief prayer below to internalize:

Father in Heaven, I pray for immediate, blended and extended families, praising your name for them-asking you to fill their hearts with worship for you. I pray, with your daily bread-with everything you know is required for them Striving, thriving, and surviving and being cared for. Grant them repentance, forgiving them of their sins-even as you forgive me of mine. Keep all relationships free from bitterness and difficulty. Lord protect them from temptation-protect them from being overloaded with adversity. Deliver them from all evil-from attacks of the enemy, from every weapon intended to defeat and discourage. For Yours Lord is the Kingdom, the power, the glory, forever. You reign and rule and have already given the victory through the finished work of Jesus. Lord I love you, I trust you. I depend on you. Cause you are our only hope, the only choice, the only source. I., We, give our hearts to you. In Jesus Name.. Amen...

Steve Braxton, Bestselling Author of "Prayer For An Occasion" & "The Road That Is Difficult To Travel" Also Presiding Bishop, National Clergy Fellowship Initiative-Div of Marketplace Outreach Ministries, Inc sbrax57@gmail.com 

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Your words can be both deadly and crusial.Be careful with the use; and conveyance thereof.
Know this: words are not simply sounds cause by air passing through the larynx, to tongue and lips.
They { the words}possess real power. As a reference, when reading the Book of Genesis in the old testament Bible. God use words to speak into existence everything within the totality of the Universe. All done with the power of his words. And we as humans are made in his image and has a connection to the Power-of-His-words within us.

Words has an enormity of capacites such as:
~words do more than convey information of Insights & Intel
~ The power of words can actually destroy a person spirit
~Words can stir up hatred and violence
~Words not only exacerbate wounds, directly but  inflict lasting brokenness and woundedness 

Humans beings are the only creatures in the earthly realm who possess the ability to communicate through the 'spoken word'

In certain biblical passages in the book of Proverbs-it reveals that our words have the power to 'Destroy' and the power to 'Build-Up'. It further foretells that the tongue has the power of both life and Death.

Questions to consider on the daily journey of  life:
~Are we using words to build up others or are we using words that tends to destroy?
~Are  our words filled with hate, bitterness or is it Love?
~What about complaints, or is it compliments or blessings?
~What is this..is it. Lust or Love-Defeat of Victory?

Moreover, it a must to strive for a  positive 'front-of-mind-consciousness'-to posses the tools, not to send one spiraling into stress and/or depression,but rather tools to be used for helping self, and others for high levels of  goals, ambitions and aspirations to reach 'Full Potential of Life '

Further more, the good book shares that every person will have to give in account of; on the day of judgment; for every careless word they have spoken in the earthly sojourn. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned. Bear in mind, words are so important, that we must not use them to denigrate, disrespect, bash, put down or even make the attempt to destroy the dignity and/or respect of others. If we do there shall be consequences.. 

A good-school-of-thought is to always strive to emphasize the positive over the negative. The best insights and Intel is to not let any unwholesome words come out of your mouths. Only ascribe to the words that is helpful to build up others according to their needs and shall be a benefit to all who take the time to listen at the positive 'utterances of your words'. 

Steve Braxton, Corporate Advisory Board Member, Small Business CEO, and Entrepreneur
sbrax57@gmail.com. http://sbrax-on-point.blogspot.com, www.linkedin.com/in/steve-braxton