Sunday, September 29, 2024


One of my favorite Biblical Passages is The 23rd Psalms.

IT BEGINS WITH: The Lord is my “Shepherd”

Because The Lord Is My Shepherd, I am supposed to have everything I need, If I Believe...He lets me rest in the grass and meadows, as he leads me beside the quiet streams. Thus that allows new strength to be indwelt within my body. In addition, he helps me to do what honors Him the most.

Know that when we allow God to be our ‘Shepherd’ to guide us, we shall experience peace, calmness, and contentment; thrice.

But when we choose to go the way of sin, it is our way, and we cannot blame God for the plight in which we find ourselves.

God who is our ‘Shepherd’ know the whereabouts of the meadows, and the ‘quiet streams’, which shall serve to ‘restore us’

And as we Go Forth, on the right path of the journey we shall reach those intended places, as we follow him obediently. However, if we rebel against the ‘Shepherd’s Leadership’, it is rebelling against our best interest for good deeds of the future.

We must remember, not to lean toward our own understanding, when we are tempted to go our way rather than the way of the Good Shepherd. Thus when you follow the Good Shepherd the Goodness of unfailing kindness shall be with you all the days of your life. He shall be Emmanuel in the presence of your enemies, as you will be welcome, as His Guest; and Yes Blessings Shall Be Overflowing...Amen.

Steve Braxton, Founder& CEO, of Marketplace Ministries, Inc and National Clergy Fellowship initiatives,

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